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Janea's p.o.v

I woke up and I noticed today was Monday. Uggh I hate mondays. I got up and did my hygiene. Then I decided to wear sweats with a black t shirt and my black Timberlands. I flat ironed my hair. Ya I have natural curly hair. I went downstairs and saw Romeo and my daddy having breakfast. I said

"Hi Romeo hi daddy!" I kissed my daddy's cheek

"Ayy princess ready to go to school?" daddy said

"Wat up lil sis" Romeo said

"No daddy I don't wanna go and the sky Romeo" I giggled a lil bit

"Hah very funny but get ready we bout to leave go get your things" Romeo said

"Ya go get your thing" my daddy said

"Ight be down in a bit" I said

And with that I kissed my daddy's check and went upstairs to get my bag. I went back downstairs and went inside my brothers car. I put on the radio and started to jam to "love me" by lil Wayne , Future, and Drake. I love this song. Then we arrived to school. I went out first since I didn't want no body to know I was Romeo's sister. Then I remembered I didn't put eye liner on so I ran to the girls bathroom and applied eye liner. Then I was admiring my eyes. I haven't told ya but I have light blue eyes, ya I know weird but I do have light blue eyes. I walked out the bathroom and entered my first class which is math. I hate math. I sat in the back and started to copy what the teacher was writing in the board. Then a kid walked in the class, but I didn't pay much attention to him. He sat down next to. Why I don't like people sitting next to me.

Gianni's p.o.v

I got up in the morning and remembered it was Monday. I hate mondays. I got up and did my hygiene. I wore some sweats and a black t shirt with my black Timblands. I wore my red bulls snap back. I grabbed a banana and said by to my mom and I went in my car and drive to school. My first class was math. I don't see why I need math like come on we're not even gonna use half of the stuff we learn in our everyday life. I walk in the classroom and everyone is staring at me like damn do I got something in my face wait I do it's pure sexy ness. Only one girl wasn't looking at me and she was wearing the exact same thing as me. But I wore it much better. All she was doing was copping what the teacher was writing on the board. That is what I call a nerd 100%. But she was fine as hell. She was light skin with enough curves and she had boobs and a big butt. Her hair was straight but it looked like her hair was curly. And the most important part that I loved about her was that she had light blue eyes. Damn that looked ma sexy. I went to go sit down next to her, but she still didn't notice me. Come on we all know she is like them other hoes. So I decided to do a cheesy move, I said

"Um excuse me do you have a pencil?"

Janea's p.o.v

"Um excuse me do you have a pencil?" he asked

Wow his voice is so manly and sexy. I didn't want to look at him in the eyes so I didn't but I did answer and I said

"Um let me check"

I wouldn't say my voice was squeaky and all it was normal. I looked in my bag for a pencil, then I felt someone starring directly at me damn. I found a pencil and gave it to him. Stile not looking in his eyes. All he said was thank you. Then like 15 minutes later class was over. I got up quickly and went out the door. Luckily that kid didn't catch up to me.

Gianni's p.o.v

She gave me a pencil but didn't look in my eyes. Then the period ended I was gonna catch up to her but she left really quick. I needed to see her again. Then my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID and it said drug lord. I answered


ME:wat up boss?

DRUG LORD:hey Gianni I wanted to ask you if you like to join me and my family to dinner tonight?

ME:really me I would love to what time should I be there?

DRUG LORD:I'm glad you could join and come around 8.

ME:alright I'll see you there


The boss invited me to dinner. Now I might meet his daughter.


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