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Janea's p.o.v

I'm 7 months pregnant and it's going good. I'm happy me and Gianni are on good terms. He is taking me out today. I went to take a shower. I wore a loose black shirt with some shorts and some flats. I flat ironed my hair and put a little bit of makeup. I grabbed my phone and purse and waited for him. The door bell rang so I got up and went to see who was it. Then someone grabbed me and I knocked out.

Gianni's p.o.v

I was driving to Janea's house. I rang the door bell and no one answered. I ranged it again and no answer. I went inside and checked all the rooms, but no one was there. I saw her phone on the floor. Her purse was on the floor too. I got scared. Then I got a call from an unknown number.


ME: who is this

UNKNOWN: you don't need to know...

ME: what do you want?

UNKNOWN: I have your little girlfriend and if you want her you need to come find ME!!

ME: where are you?!?

UNKNOWN: at my trap so come find me because you're girlfriend is looking mighty sexy today. I think I might have fun with her

ME:you better not touch her!!

UNKNOWN: Gianni are you there

ME: Janea are you okay

UNKNOWN: do it sound like I'm okay...

ME: leave jokes aside I'm coming for you baby just hold on

UNKNOWN: Kk baby come quick please!!


I can't believe they took Janea. I know exactly who it is. I have been enemies with this guy for years. I called up all my friends to help me take out the gang called DARK BE. My friends names are Cory, Twist, and Keon. I'm ready to take this gang out.

Janea's p.o.v

I can't believe they kidnapped me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was naked. I looked around and saw nothing

"You finally woke up" a girl voice said

"Who are you and what do you want!" I cried and yelled

"You don't remember me?" the girl asked

"No just tell me!" I yelled at the girl

"Hahah I'm Lisa, now you remember?" she asked pathetically

"What why would you do this!?" I yelled and asked

"Because you took Gianni away from me!" she yelled

"No he chose me and plus now we gonna have a baby so please let go!" I cried

"What ya having a baby..... did he tell you his secret?" she asked

"What secret?" I asked

"He didn't tell you" she asked

"No just tell me please" I begged

"He already has a baby and he sneaks with his other baby momma!" she yelled

"What you're lying!" I yelled

"How are you telling me, me and him had a relationship and he trusted me and told me" she said

"So he doesn't trust me" I said sad and crying

"I guess" Lisa said

Why wouldn't he tell me. Lisa untied me and let me put my clothes back on. We talked about more stuff. She would actually really fly. Then....

Thug loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora