Hit in the face

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Janea's p.o.v

It's been weeks and I haven't seen Gianni. I stayed home from school because like two weeks ago I was on Facebook then I saw that Gianni posted a pic of me and it said the slutest girl in the world. It got so popular I couldn't show me face. Me and my dad is Gucci. Today I need to go to the supermarket cuz we need groceries and I need tampons lol. I went upstairs and took a shower. I wore tight black jeans and my black timberlands with a short shirt that showed my stomach, it was a picture of a tiger. My favorite animal is a tiger cuz there strong smart and very cautious with there babies. I took my dad's car and drove to the supermarket. I went inside and headed to the the vegetable ale. I got some carrots and letus. Then I went to the ice cream section I grabbed two packs of chocolate ice cram. I felt like someone was staring right at me. I turned around and saw Gianni. I started to walk away and go get something else. He was following me. I went to the tampon section and grabbed three packs. Then he said

Gianni's p.o.v

My mother made me go to the supermarket. So I went upstairs and put on some Jordan's true religion pants with a whit shirt. I got in my car and drove away. I do have to say I miss Janea, I bet she saw my Facebook post and got mad so she don't come to school. I got to the supermarket and went to the ice cream section. I was getting ice cream then I saw this fine ass girl. She had that ass I wanted to squeeze it so bad. But then I realized it was Janea. I panicked and froze. She turned around and looked at me scared. She stared to walk away, I followed. Then she went to get tampons. I laughed a little then I said

"It that time of month" I said

"Leave me alone" Janea said

"Why are you scared of me?" I asked

"Nahh nigga ain't nobody scared of you're jackass" she said

I got mad when she said that so I grabbed her cheek and slapped it then she fell and started to cry. I said

"Don't ever disrespect me!" I yelled

"You dumdass why would you slap me, now you better watch out cuz you're ass gonna die tonight!" she said while crying

"Are you threatening me?" I asked

"Ya nigga I am!" she yelled

I grabbed her hand and punched her in her face then she started to scream in pain. Her light blue eyes got swelled up and red. She fell on the ground and grabbed her face and cried. I walked away like nothing happened.

Janea's p.o.v

He hit me he hit me was the only thing I thought of. I went to the cashier and paid for these things. I got in my dad's car and drove home. Luckily no one was home. I went to my room and looked at my face. I looked jacked up. Should I tell my dad or no. If I tell my dad he will kill Gianni and I don't want Gianni too die but he does have to pay for what he did. I called my dad



DAD:why are you crying princess?

ME:he hit me daddy he hit me

DAD:what who hit you!!!

ME:Gianni daddy Gianni hit me

DAD:what I'm gonna kill that lil nigga

ME:don't kill him bring him to the trap and then we will jump him but don't kill him

DAD:alright princess how did he hit you?

ME:he slapped me then punched me in my eye

DAD:I'm gonna make him pay start going to the trap we gonna have fun with him


I walked to the car and drove to the trap. I walked inside and everyone stared at me and asked me

"What happened to your face!?" they asked

"Some guy hit me so we gonna take care of him but not like kill him but like beat him up" I said

I sat down and waited for my dad. He came in with Gianni. We stared at each other and looked at me surprised and asked

"Who did that to your face?"he asked

"You did this to me nigga!" I yelled

"O my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean it!"

Then I said start and everyone started to beat him up. When they were done I looked at him and he was messed up. He had cuts, bruises and his clothes were ripped up. I said I wanna be alone then I told Gianni

"Why did you hit me?" I asked

"Because you weren't paying attention to me" he said looking jacked up bad

"What but you called me a slut" I said

"Because you didn't like me no more" he said

I kissed his cheek and licked his lips. I walked away and told the gang to drop him off his house. I went home and fell asleep


New chapter finally 👌👌👌

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