Chapter 4. A party?

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////yayy I finally updated again!!(By the way Madison's outfit for the day is the image at the top) ////

I sighed in frustration at myself. Watching a movie with Heath is nearly impossible. Aside from the fact that he comments every 3 seconds, my eyes keep wandering over to see big brown eyes and messy hair, instead of the screen. Fuck Madison stop. He's probably going to notice that you're staring. I shake my head and once again re-focus my eyes on the screen. I actually really enjoy this movie, Up. Although, despite my nervousness due to the close proximity to Heath, my eyelids are becoming increasingly heavy, and sure enough, I drift asleep on the couch.
The sound of pots and pans clanking wakes me up. I sat up, stretching and cracking my back with a quiet yawn. Ouch. Passing out on the couch was not the smartest idea. The pain in my neck is reminding me not to do that again. I seemed to have fallen asleep, using Heaths arm as my pillow, most likely getting too close for someone who barely knows him. I carefully moved away from him, thankful he didn't wake up from me. He couldn't of looked more peaceful, half laying, half sitting.
Getting up to see who had interrupted my sleep, I stumbled into the kitchen to see none other than Zane.
"Goodmorning Maddie." He greeted me with a dopey smile. "I was going to wake you and Heath up, but you two looked so cute snuggled up on the couch, so I'M making breakfast." He winked at me, using that ridiculous voice he has a habit of using.
He was just messing around with me, although my crimson cheeks gave away my embarrassment, as I shot him a playful glare. He was about to retort something, most likely about my obvious blush from his comment, when Heath (thankfully) interrupted him.
"Sorry Zane,We got sleepyy." Heaths head popped up from the couch, with a tired smile.

"Well look who decided to wake up just as I finished cooking you food." Zane sassed, slapping a pancake down onto the stack.

Zane pulled out his camera to vlog, probably just to show off that he made breakfast without burning the place down. I've never really been in any youtube videos but it sounded fun and I didn't him filming me. I was just watching Zane rant to the camera, going on about his friend David, and something about a snake, when whipped cream was sprayed right on top of my head. "HEATH!" I screamed out of surprise, turning around to see him grinning down proudly at me. "You're gonna regret that" I challenged, grabbing the whipped cream can from him and covering his face in it. I couldn't stop from laughing, seeing Heaths face completely covered in whipped cream, glaring at me while attempting not to start cracking up. "NOT FAIR LET ME GET YOU BACK!" He chased me.
"YOU ALREADY GOT ME, WE'RE EVEN." I exclaimed, while using Zane as a human shield while he recorded what was happening.

"FINE!" Heath yelled back as I stepped in front of Zane, now knowing it was safe.

I stuck my hand out to shake his, accepting his surrender. He pulled me into a tight hug, making sure to get as much whipped cream from his face on to me as possible. "Heathhh." I groaned in fake annoyance. "I'm not your napkin, let me go!" I laughed, squirming around in his arms in attempt escape.
He let me go, standing back to admire the mess he'd made me.

After breakfast, I took a long, much needed shower (due to the mess from breakfast) unpacked the rest of my clothes, and picked out and outfit for the day. This place is starting to feel more like my own to me. I haven't felt this great in a while, I don exactly know what it is. Maybe it's the bomb ass pancakes Zane made, maybe it's the warm weather. Whatever it is, put me in a good mood, it feels like a fresh start. I get ready for the day, changing from my pajamas, fixing my hair, and putting on light makeup. I grab my phone and decide to go over to the boys house to see what they're up to. I walk outside to see Heath, sitting in an old lawn chair, holding a cigarette and a cup of coffee. "You're finally out of the shower I see." He sasses teasingly, looking up at me with his chocolate brown eyes that make my heart skip a beat.
"Well maybe I wouldn't of taken so long if I didn't have to get whipped cream out of my hair." I smiled, shooting him back a teasing glare, as I walked past him and into the house. I could hear his laugh from outside as I close to door.
Scotty, Toddy, and Zane were in the kitchen, discussing something while they ate the rest of  the pancakes Zane had made. Im pretty sure he just wanted to show everyone that he had cooked.
"Hey Madison, we were thinking about having a party tonight, ya know so you can meet the rest of our friends. Is that okay with you?" Scotty asks me. "I don't wanna put too much on you in the first couple of days, I know it's probably been kinda a lot, I just figured it'd be fun. Like a welcome party." I smiled at his concern, "Of course! That sounds really fun, I'd like to meet more of your friends."
"Sweet okay. I'll tell people to come, you'll love them." He assures me. The boys continue on with their conversation as I plop down on the couch to watch old re-runs. Moving was exhausting to say the least, and I'm going to take advantage of any time that I can lay around and do nothing as possible. Besides, I'll need my rest for tonight.

////This chapters kinda short and nothing really happens lol sorry but stay tuned i'll post the next chapter soon!!💕////

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