Algebra Art...? 3

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I was bored, so I drew this. I call her Spite!


I don't know if I should call this Algebra Art 3 or not...

Ed: Why?

Cathy: I didn't draw it on my Algebra homework...

Ed: Then just call it what you want to, then.

Cathy: I drew it in my physical science notebook.

Ed: Oh, so you feel like you should call it that, but you also don't?

Cathy- In a way, yes.

Ed: What are you going to call it then?

Cathy: Hmm... Science Sketch! *giggles*

Ed: Gasp!

Cathy: What?

Ed: You're adorable when you giggle!

Cathy: Do you want me to put you back in the trash bin?

Ed: No!

Cathy: Then. Never. Ever. Call. Me. CUTE!

Ed: Okay, okay! Jeez... So are you going to change the title?

Cathy: Nope.

Ed: Didn't think so.

Cathy: Hey, be nice.

Ed: Stop being sassy.

Cathy: Impossible.

Ed: Exactly.

Cathy: Sigh... Touché.

Stay Creative!

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