New Addition!

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What is this?! Two updates in one day?!... Not exactly...

I just wanted for you to know about the new addition to the Shorty-Squad!

Ed: Is that what you call us?

Cathy: Yep.

Ed: Original.

Cathy: Yep.

Ed: You're going to keep saying "yep", aren't you?

Cathy: Nope. I gotta introduce our newest marshmallow!

Ed: First the Shorty-Squad... Now this?!

Cathy: Do you wanna meet him or not?

Ed: Yes!

Cathy: Then, shut up. Sigh... Say hi, dude!

Meliodas: Hi! I'm Meliodas!

Cathy: He's from the Seven Deadly Sins!

Meliodas: Yep! *Feels Cathy's boobs* So soft...

Cathy: No touchie, please.

Meliodas: Okay, only because you asked so nicely! *Let's go*

Ed: How are you so calm about this?!

Cathy: It's how he says hi.

Ed: He's a pervert!

Cathy: Yep.

Meliodas: Mhm.

Ed: Cathy... You are going to be the end of me.

Cathy: Yep.

Meliodas: Mhm.

Cathy: *Floofs Meliodas's hair* Sorry, honey, but we have to say goodbye now!

Meliodas: Aww... Bye!

Ed: I hate this place.

Cathy: No you don't.

Stay Creative!

PS, if you don't want me having my Shorty-Squad with me, you have two choices.

A- Be all salty about it and tell me rudely.
B- Tell me and I can stop it now and then. :) You can't take my Shorty-Squad away from me.

Meliodas: *Cracks knuckles* Nope!

Cathy: Bye for real this time!

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