Not a drawing

40 6 12

On Sunday, my bro was in the hospital because he did something stupid.

You(probably): *Inhales to start screaming*

Cathy: No, I am not telling.

But, I was so bored that I wrote an email to 21domrud.

It was kind of like a story idea, but it's like a personal inside joke between us.

So, I yelled, "Fudge it!" and put it here.


A small girl sits alone with her face hiding in her hands. Her blonde hair blow gently in the wind, now and then, hitting her hands. It was messy and didn't shine in the moon's dim light. Warm, salty tears flow freely from her eyes and into her hands.

What was the matter? Time. Time was the matter was. It continues on, without mercy. It takes what she loves, and takes it. All the girl ever wanted to do, was stop it.

She didn't care that it sounded selfish, she just wanted to take a magic clock, and stop it. Or, perhaps, force it to move backwards.

The tears on her cheeks and hands would return to her eyes, and her smile would be brought back to her features.

But, it was impossible. Even in her world of magic, it could not be done... But the girl still held hope. Her grip was like a warrior charging into battle with a sword and shield clenched in his hand. And as soon as she thought that, the world seemed to have put their full focus onto her. Wide eyes stared at her with shock and fear of what the girl may accomplish in her later years.

But, those years never truly came... Because she went back.

The little magic she possessed in her frail body was now a strong, beating sensation that constantly roared within her. Now, she shall use it to go back and rewrite her fate.

She'll meet many people in the past. A boy with bark brown hair that seems to spike in all directions, another boy whose light brown hair was neat and well groomed, and lastly, a girl with a bright smile that always spelled mischief and bravery. A guild they all found together that treated them like family. Because they were. All of them were a family.

This girl, Luna, will always be prepared for what the future, or her past, has in store.

I know, it sucks, but I was bored and wanted something to do.

So there it is.


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