See You Again.

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I got back home and then the door flew open from behind me it was Nicole "Why?" she asked making me puzzled "Why what?" I asked "Why did I have to hear from Mack? I thought we were friends." Nicole asked as if she wasn't herself "We are friends. Wait what did Mack tell you?" I asked as she sat down on the love seat "You went on a date. Your dad show'd up at school. Your cried in the bathroom because Brandon said that your too ugly for a guy to like you. Blake said the toilet was more fun than you." I looked at the floor "I can't believe that they said that about me." I started to tear up "I'm sorry, but it's true." Nicole said "Wait. What? What's true?" I looked up "You went on a date. Your dad came to school. Brandon said that your too ugly for a guy to like you. Your not interesting nor fun." she said before giving me a slight hug and walking back home.

The Next Day

I walked through the doors and Mr.Keith spotted me "Skylar! Skylar! Would you come and follow me please?" he asked while motioning for me to follow him. He led me into the weight room "This will be the meet and greet room." he says "Meet and greet?" he motions for me to follow him to the gym "This is where the performance will be held." he says while I try to listen and figure everything out "Performance?" I asked trying to put two and two together "You'll be working here in the gym." he says while leaving while I sat in the bleachers. I waited until some people with a whole lot of equipment came into the gym "Can I help you?" I asked standing up from the bleachers "Yeah. We're here to set up the equipment for the concert." the people said while they showed me how and where to set them up "What do you mean by concert?" I asked "Shawn Mendes is having a concert in here, but right now Shawn's gonna do a sound check that only Skylar Hamilton gets to hear." they said before walking out of the gym doors.

Several minutes later I put in my ear buds and blasted my favorite song and the gym doors squeaked open and I saw a jolly old Mr.Keith showing Shawn into the gym then Mr.Keith walked out. I saw a shadow come over me and when I looked up I that it was Shawn and I paused my song so I could hear him. "What song you listening to hun?" he asked and I showed him my phone that showed him that I was listening to Imagination by the best himself Shawn Mendes. He laughed while I smiled and put my phone up and listened to his sound check as his beautiful voice cracked several times, but I didn't mind I tried to focus mostly on the lyrics.

Now it was time for the concert I had to go out of the gym after the sound check. Now I was trying to reenter the now crowded gym, but none of the girls would let me through then I saw that Nicole was in the front row and she saw me. She reached out for my hand and literally pulled me over all of the other people in the crowd. I stood right in front of Shawn during the whole concert and his eyes were locked on me. Then it was time for some questions and this one girl in the back screamed out "Are you going to go out with Skylar?" and Shawn smiled at this "Yes. So Sky where are going to go on our date?" he asked with a smirk growing on his face "Olive Garden?" I asked and he smiled so big "Of course." he said then we went into the meet and greet. I was the last one to meet Shawn again and I went up to him and took a picture "So Olive Garden tomorrow at 8:45?" he asks "I'm in town for quite a while." Shawn said smiling at me and then he pulled me close and place a small kiss on my temple and I felt a tingling feeling down to my toes "See you tomorrow my love." he says while intertwining our hands after moving a piece of my perfectly curled hair out of my face and then placed a kiss on my forehead and I blushed so hard. "Now don't you dare cover your face with your hands." he says slowly letting go of my hands so he could get his instruments backed up so he could use them on his next tour.

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