Chapter 20- Visions, Soup, and Reality TV

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Robin filled with worry.

"Raven, what did you see?" Robin asked with intent eyes.

Raven then immediately regretted everything she just told Robin about Starfire. What she saw about Starfire may have been private, maybe she didn't want anyone to know...

"Forget I said anything." Raven said in her normal hoarse voice while standing up from the floor.

"No. What did you see!?" Robin asked gripping her shoulders while raising his voice slightly.

Raven knew that he was gonna explode if she didn't tell him. But she just... Couldn't...

Raven brushed his hands off her shoulders.

"Forget. I. Said. Anything," she said sternly. "It was nothing."

"It wasn't 'nothing', Raven! God damn it, you were screaming and crying in Starfire's voice! You even screamed my name out... In Starfires voice! You call that nothing!? For fuck's sakes what did you see?! This is important!" Robin yelled.

Raven knew Robin was going to explode if she didn't tell him but she was surprised at how desperate he was. But she didn't want to speak of it, at least not now. Not just because it might be Starfire's personal business but because it scared Raven. She wasn't even sure if it was real, it seemed too difficult to believe it was real... It seemed to gruesome and brutal to be real.

"The last thing I need is to be yelled at. It was nothing. Now if you excuse me I have to help Starfire with her personal needs, unless you don't want her to get better." Raven said while levitating away.

Robin was fighting the urge to confront Raven or charge into Starfire's room and hug and comfort her, but there was a good chance she was already in the shower... Nude.... Jeez no shit Sherlock.

Robin smacked the table with a loud bang. The worst part was he didn't know or can't do anything about it the situation, what scared him the most about it is that whatever Raven saw, it was about Starfire, it was a vision which ment it was real, and that vision scared Raven. And it's hard to scare Raven.

Robin focused himself and set up a pot to boil water in. He then started dicing some vegetables that surprisingly weren't rotten in the back of the fridge. But despite how much he tried to focus on making dinner his mind kept going into the dark side.

Raven hurried to Starfire's room. She entered the bathroom and noticed that Starfire was already in the tub with bubbles almost about to spill over. The bathroom was filled with a sweet refreshing smell of roses.

"Starfire, I told you to wait." Raven said levitating closer to her.

Starfire shook her head, not wanting to lose her voice anymore.

"You ran and did the crying and yelling..." Starfire coughed out.

Raven levitated there, not knowing what else to say. Starfire was right.

Raven planted her feet on the ground.

"Well, I'll just get your pajamas and your robe..." Raven said as she walked towards Starfire's closet, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Yes, that is the ok," Starfire managed to croak out. "Friend Raven, what did you see?"

Raven pretended to look for something in Starfire's closet.


Starfire looked at Raven unbelieving, but she nodded and leaned back into the tub and closed her eyes.

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