The Time Lord's Daughter (Doctor Who Fan Fic)

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All rights reserved. I do not own anything. This is just something I did for fun.

This is my first story so please comment or vote if you think it shows any promise.

I had no idea what I was doing.

I had all this alien technology all around me and no idea how to even begin to make anything sonic. It didn’t help that I’d never seen one before. If only I hadn’t left so early Dad would have already taught me about this.

At least I knew a little.

I picked up a blue-glowy thing to try to see if It could be used in the sonic devise when I heard people’s shouts and grunts from the other room.

Jack was back! Jack always brought home cool things after being out for a long time.

I quickly stashed the parts and tools I was using to try to replicate a sonic screwdriver. Jack would be so made at me if he found out.

After I had hidden the parts under an old pizza box that had been there a few month now I ran towards the main room.

“Jack! Jack what’d you find!” I shouted.

Instead of a sweet voice full of laughter that usually greeted me I was surprised to hear a harsh demanding one being thrown at me. “Olivia stay back! Don’t come in and don’t look at the Shinob!”

I slowed my run and slowly walked to the edge of the door way. It must be something serious, he’s never spoken to me like that.

I heard grunting from the main room, along with things being knocked over, Jack and the others all shouting out different commands to, what sounded like, straping down the Shinob thing to the examining table.

I continued to eves drop, hearing Jack and Gwen go back and forth on each other for who caused more trouble getting the Shinob here, until Jack turned on what I liked to call the voice muter which sealed the room of all sounds so anyone outside wouldn’t hear a thing.

He didn’t do this often, usually when they were discussing something super top secret but that was it.

Just what was going on that would make this so bad?

I decided to go out the back and take a walk. I didn’t get to go out that often nor that much exercise (for good reason yes but still). Plus Jack was always way over protective with me.

I stepped out into the cool spring air and took a deep breath.

Ahhhhhhhh, it smelled so lovely. It must have rained a little earlier for the ground was wet but the skies were clear. What a beautiful day.

I turned left (always had since my Mum told me that silly story bout her and Donna) and started skipping along the sidewalk, not really going anywhere in particular.

Everything was so different in London.

Well...this London.

I’d grown up mainly in America (Mum and Dad had thought it would help keep us all out of trouble) and in another universe too! Where zeppelin aircraft covered the skies. Same thing for when I’d visit grandpa in London.

But here! Zeppelins were a rare thing, leaving the skies clear and beautiful. Also people in London spoke funny, like my family did back home. Jack is the only other person in London that talks like me, and sometimes teases me when I go back and forth between the two types of speech in one sentence.

It doesn’t bother me though. I usually laugh and teas him back. I just wish I could see my parents again. It’s been so long now. Don’t get me wrong, living with Jack’s great and all...sometimes, but it’s not the same.

The Time Lord's Daughter (Doctor Who Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora