Ur a little late

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Jungkook hesitated, trying to choose the best type of words to say but he just couldn't even open his mouth. He stood there like a fool outside the door flower is in his hand and a suit just for this perfect day. He planned it all out just so she can be happy and he knew today was the day the day ,when he finally proposed to her the love his life;Park jiwoo, the girl that he knew since his college days and the woman he wanted to be his wife. The only problem why was he hesitating right now. Was he nervous that everything wouldn't go right? Was he nervous that she wouldn't say yes? Was he nervous that he would mess up big time? Jungkook sighed deeply"Its now or never "he said to himself as he lifted his hand into a fist to knock on the door. Before he could knock the door opens urgent pull surprising jungkook ,but the person in front of him surprised more then the door opening. The on person who hated him unlike anyone or at least everyone else he knew, was stand there and glaring at him as if he was the worst piece of trash in the world.Park Jimins' gaze did not break the moment he layed eyes on jungkook."Jimin Hyung"Jungkooks voice quivered as he slightly bowed to jimin."jungkook"calmly .He stood there in the awkward slience."soo...may I come in?jungkook was about to take a step in until the door slammed in his face."No"a muffled voice came through.
After an hour of arguing with Jimin ,jiwoo finally came to the door and convinced Jimin to open the door but jungkook didn't get a chance to step inside as jiwoo pushed him down the steps and into his car"but what about your parents jiwoo?"jungkook didn't feel right taking her out but not respectfully greeting them."their not home for the next three weeks"she said while putting on her seat belt"there's nothing to worry about now let's go or were gonna be late to the party". Jungkook let it slide as he started up the car and drove . He looked back in the rearview mirror only to see Jimin watching them drive off.

The party was in full swing as soon as jungkook and jiwoo got there. Dancing bodies left and right , the drinking bar was full,the new bts song 'not today' was blasting through the speakers.yep jungkook thought , this is just like any party that yoongi would throw. Jiwoo grabbed Jungkooks hand and dragged him to the bar near hoseok. He sat down on a stool feeling kinda akward. "Anything that I can get you?"jungkook looked up to see yoongi cleaning a cup with a towel."um I think I'm good "jungkook turned to ask jiwoo if she wanted anything only to find out she had disappeared."jiwoo?jiwoo!"he called as he got up from his chair."if your looking for your girlfriend I think you should wait till she's done with whatever she's doing with that guy over there."yoongi pointed him in the direction to where jiwoo was haveing a grinding make out session with another guy.Jungkook stood there as a spike of heat grew in his chest , he then turned to yoongi."I change my mind give me one of your strongest drinks". Yoonig turned around to grab some drinks from the second shelf And started mixing them together. Once he was done he handed jungkook a medium cup with a blue liquid in it ."drink up kid, it looks like your gonna need it"yoongi leaned against the counter as jungkook observed the blue liquid."Yeah I think so too"he said before he downed the whole cup.

"Buzz buzz"
"Buzz buzz"
"Buzz buzz"
Jungkook stirred from his peaceful nap as his phone went off . He grabbed his phone and threw it on the ground hoping that will make it stop but he could only dream. Jungkook pushed himself up. The second Jungkook opened his eyes he got an ear splitting ringing and a killer headache. After that he gave up and fell back on the bed. Wait he though how did I get home?Jungkook looked around but he wasn't home , so where was he? The bed moved causing jungkook the freeze in place .Jungkook broke into cold sweat as he slowly turned to his other side. A hand was cuffed to the bed post while the rest of the figure was covered by the blanket. He carefully reached for the tip of the blanket and pulled it back. The figure under the blanket was none other then.
"Park Jimin hyung!" Jungkook was so shocked he almost fell out of the bed. Park Jimin was lying in his bed( or whosever this )with red bunny ears,a red collar a red bandana covering his eyes.Jungkook jumped when his phone started to ring,answering it immediately."Hello, yoongi hyung?"he whispered."Hey Jungkook I'm just gonna tell you now and never forget it , you should never again". Jungkook looked at jimin. "What happened hyung?" Yoongi let out a frustrated groan. "What do you mean happened?! You almost reckwd my whole party and walked out like it was nothing!"
Jungkook rubbed his forehead."But what happened after that?" The other end was slient for a minute."I don't know , you were gone after that. Are you alright kookie? You didn't wake up in a ditch did you?" The bed creaked , Jimin was waking up. Panic started to build up in Jungkooks chest. Jungkook ran around the room in a frantic pace collecting all his things and running out of the house.

After three long excruciatingly days of not remembering. Jungkook finall built up the courage to ask Jimin what happened that , it was better said then done.Jungkook just couldn't knock on the door.He was afraid Jimin would kill him the moment he opened it. Jungkook stood at the door his throat parched and his hands were sweaty. He lifted his hand one last time. It's now or never , in a way I would deserve it after all I did leave Jimin handcuffed to a bed he thought.After the three knocks there was an eerie slience before a muffled voice stared comming near the door. Jungkook never left so many emotions at the same time in his life the moment Jimin stood at the door. "Hyung i-" before Jungkook could say anything Jimin pulled him into the house slamming him against the door. Jimin leaned in where they were face to face. "Let me guess , you came here to finally  apologize after what you did,right?" Jungkook felt like he couldn't breathe, jimin kept staring him straight in the eye and didn't blink once .Jungkook could feel his heart beating twice as fast as it did before. Not only was jimin's face leaning in closer but also the rest of his body."j-jimin,what are you doing?!"jimin didnt answer . Jungkook almost lost it  when Jimin fell to his knees and was undoing Jungkooks belt."Jimin!Jimin stop!"Jungkook grabbed Jimins hands pushing them away ,it wasn't easy since Jimin put up quite  a fight to unbuckle his belt."master"Jungkook froze in place , believing  that he heard wrong but was very unsure on how to processes what Jimin just said.Jungkook looked down to see jimins head hanging . He bent down eye level  with jimin."hyung,what did u say?"jungkook whispered . Jimin didn't respond until a few minutes later he slowly lifted his head ;jimins eyes were red and puffy with tears.Jungkook almost fell back surprised with this reaction coming from jimin. Before Jungkook could say anything Jimin caresses Jungkooks face with his tiny hands. "Master , please let make you feel good again"

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