ur a little late 2

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Jungkook down at jimin in pure shock ,replaying the words that just came out of Jimin's mouth. Jimin tried to pull his hands away."master please let me go"he whimpered. Jungkook shot up dragging Jimin up with him."no I'm not master I'm jungkook and I'm getting you to a hospital now".Jungkook couldn't even take one step out the door before Jimin body slammed him on the couch , knocking the air right out of him.Jimin leveled himself on Jungkook and slowly started to grind their clothed cocks together. Jungkooks breath hitched as Jimin pushed down a bit. " Do you remember anything that happened at all master, of what happened that night".how you touched me ,kissed me ,whispered your sweet words".Jimin grinded harder causing jungkook to moan.Jimin leaned in"how you made me feel"he whispered. At that moment an image flashed through Jungkooks head;it was jimins tear-stained face as he looked back at jungkook ,moving in an up and down motion.Jungkooks eyes widen. He pushed Jimin off of him and ran oh the door.

"And then what happened". jungkook looked up at yoongi . "What do you think ,I ran off again". Yoongi sighed giving jungkook a disappointing glare. " I swear Jungkook honestly I thought you could do better than that." Yoongi crosses arms he lifted his head up in disappointment. Sometimes yoongi had faith in Jungkook other times he would just leave him in the dust. "Well what am I supposed to do?" Jungkooks head hurt so much from everything that was going on . Yoongi hyung what am I gonna do , I don't even know why Jimin was acting like that" Jungkook groaned. Yoongi set the cup down on the counter. Why don't you ask him .

jikook smutsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang