I'm Going On An Adventure!

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*cue Bilbo Baggins running out of the Shire*

So...hey!! Brief recap of the last week and the people who'll be mentioned continually in here as annoyances and such.

David: Little brother. Little freckled devil. Eleven years old, buzz cut, athletic. Stands 5'1 if he stretches.

Abel: Little brother. Looks nothing like rest of family, slightly like a weasel. Mohawk, nine years old. Imagine a sentient fart joke. That's him.

Marlin: Little brother. Missing all front teeth (I swear that was an accident), imagine a tractor starting up. That's his laugh. Eight years old.

Carver: Little brother. Imagine a cute puppy who knows they're cute and uses that to his advantage. Loves to mess with me. Four years old.

Renee: Little sister. Oh, good mother Loki. This one is...ya. Looks like a freckled version of me, perfectionist, can do no wrong in my parent's eyes. Thirteen years old

Jade: Cousin. Tall, beautiful, athletic, funny. Basically, the American ideal. Favorite female cousin. Shhhh. Don't tell. Fifteen.


So, this week, I've knocked a kid unconscious, taken a class on amazing graffiti from an Artprize participant, and ridden a green stallion. Unsuccessfully. Oh, and I guess I was gone this weekend. You guys want to hear about that? Of course you do!!

 You guys want to hear about that? Of course you do!!

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So, this was the view from the second balcony. That's a frozen lake, and it was 60 degrees out? Imagine ice skating with short sleeves on. There was no WiFi, so I suddenly discovered that I, gasp, was....forced to socialize.

Three days. I nearly withered away. I survived on LOTR and the kindness of librarians alone. I got a grand total of ten hours of sleep. It was amazing.

Anyway....think that's about it. Feel free to ask questions, make a comment, etc.

*Bilbo runs back to Shire*

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