Return of the Glorious Lord of the North

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*cue dramatic music*
*lights flicker on*
*shadowy figure standing in middle of room*
I'm back....miss me?

miss me?

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(BBC's Sherlock is now my life

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(BBC's Sherlock is now my life. Once I finish...either Merlin or Supernatural. Then, the world!)

I'm back! Have been for a couple days, actually, but the last two days have been my recovery time, so sorry if I didn't immediately get back to roleplaying or talking to some of y'all. I had to get rid of the little bit of southern twang and drawl I picked up in North Carolina. No self respecting Michigander ever speaks with a southern accent. But I had an interesting time. The stories I could tell of my adventures down there!

But one question to the teenage boys who may or may not be reading this.

When y'all gather in a group bigger than two bodies, do you instantly become idiots!??!?!!?!

That is all. There were five guys on the trip with me, and by themselves they were actually pretty cool, even in pairs, but good son of mother Loki, when they were all together? *shudders forever and ever* I am so glad I have two X chromosomes.

So, storytime

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So, storytime.
Have any of y'all heard of Bojangles? Southern restaurant, serve sweet tea by the gallon? Call their mashed potatoes 'Botatoes'? The guys and I went there one night, and they were immediately obsessed with saying it as often as possible. *sigh*

A guy named Ben started calling my sister (who is short) the 'little one'. He made my freaking, ever loving day. Wasn't so funny when they all started calling me Sassafras. Because I'm sassy, I guess.


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Umm...I don't want to bore you with anymore stories, so I guess I just wanted to say hi. I missed all of you! Will begin messaging and roleplaying ASAP.

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