Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time...
There was a boy who listened
And a girl who spoke whispered secrets.
There was a sword as well
And I seem to recall something about a goblet...
Something to do with magic
And maybe some small bit of treasure.
Oh, can't forget the nimble fingered thief
Or the silent assassin with his blades.
The royals in their tall castle
The soldiers with their iron and heavy hearts
Or the urchins lingering among the crowds
Once upon a time...
There was a quest. Of that I'm sure.
And the boy, the girl, the thief and assassin,
Who all might have possessed some little magics,
Went on that quest, swords gleaming in hand,
Or hidden 'neath heavy cloaks.
They snuck into the spiraled towers,
And the thief stole a key, the key that opened a door
As most keys will, if allowed into the keyhole
And that door opened a way into the castle
Where the assassin took his pretty little knife
And slit the throats of the cruel, beautiful royals
While the girl told the boy where to find the lovely goblet
And they all drank from the fountain of youth
And tossed coins to the urchins, the crowd pushing
The soldiers bowed to the new court
Of thieves, killers, listeners and eavesdroppers.
And they all smiled, their lips tipped with
Memories of a very different reception.
Once upon a time...

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