Chapter 7

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Levi's POV

  I put my coffee cup in the bin and get back to work.  My boss, Erwin, opens my office door and has a file in his hand.  "Hey, Levi.  I have another case for you.  Think you can handle it?"  He says to me. 

  At the moment, I feel like bashing his head into my briefcase, but I think better of it and reply "ahh, sure."  I grab it out of his hands. He asks if I've filed any reports yet, an I tell him I have done 5.  He frowns a little before saying "Have a good day, Levi." and leaving.

  I begin to go through the files neatly piled on my desk and find one that I should finish:  The Pikal Case.  It got handed to me because Hanji didn't like the Pikal guy.

I begin to start working, and my assistant, Krista Lenz, comes over and hands me a document detailing the results of my recent business trip to the capital. I thank and excuse her, and she goes back to her desk, and gets back to typing something.

I go back to work, and think about what to get with Eren for dinner.

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