Chapter 1

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[5th of march 2006]
I got out of bed so huridly in fact that I nearly tripped over a few books on my bedroom floor I mentally scolded myself for my clumsiness and continued on my way to the dinning room. "What's the hurry Morana?" my mother said she had her back to me as she was pouring water in a coffee cup "I'm just exited mother" I answered going to the cupboard and getting out a box of Nutri-grain. I poured it into a bowl and at it quickly "seriously what's gotten into you?" she asked eyeing me suspiciously "what do you mean mother" I replied vaugly "well you've never been interested in any of the other patients we had here even if they were temporary" she said "well these ones are permanents and I have to care of them until I decide to leave so why shouldn't I be interested in them?" I asked retoraclly "well they will be arriving in 10 minutes so I would hurry and get dressed if I were you" she advised before walking off to her mangers office with her cup of coffee. I sighed and made my way back up to my bedroom to get dressed in my uniform which was a simple 60s style white dress i was actually the one that insisted on the old fashioned dresses instead of the new uniforms that I honestly thought were a crime against fashion itself. I went into my mums office and got her to zip up my dress and then took my clipboard and went down to the front lobby to wait for our new guests.

I pondered in my head the real reason I was exited about meeting the new patients. I was had always been fascinated by death and I had followed many crime articles in news papers and on television, I kept the articles about my 7 favourite killers in my big scrap book which happens to be these 7 guys. I opened my book and went over there backstories now while I waited.

1. Frederick Charles Krueger -
born September 1942 to a nun named Amanda Kruger as a result of rape he was put up for adoption and adopted by a Mr Underwood who was a alcoholic. Freddy was bullied at school for being the product of rape from mentally ill patients and abused by Mr Underwood at home. As a teenager he cut himself for pleasure and eventually killed Mr Underwood. Then in 1963 he killed a dozen kids and was known as the Springwood slasher. He was arrested later that year however due to a search warrant not being signed properly he was acquitted. His daughter Katherine was taken way by the state and then he was burned to death by angry parents. He made a deal with dream demons this deal enabling him to be invincible in the dream world and endure more in the human world. He can move between worlds as he pleases in the dream world the dream demons have control over him so he is his burnt form but in the normal world he is his unburnt self and has more control over himself.

Jason Voorhees -
Born June 13th 1946 to Elias and Pamela Voorhees in the small town of crystal lake New Jersey. Jason however was born with a facial deformities as well as a condition called Hydrocephalus which means water on the brain and basically results in an abnormally large head and mental disability. Jason was homeschooled by his mother but in the summer of 1957 11 year old Jason came to work with his mother who worked at a local camp as a cook because his mother had no babysitter. Jason was bullied and tried to escape but was thrown into the water where he later drowned because the counsellors were having sex. His mother later resurrected him with the Necronomicon and he lived in the woods waiting for her, after he witnessed her death he started killing anyone who trespassed on his land until he was caught

Michael Audrey Myers -
Born October 1957 to Donald and Edith Myers in the suburban town of  haddonfield Illinois. In 1963 at the age of six Michael was having bazar nightmares and claimed there was a voice in his head telling him to do things. On Halloween of that same year Michael dressed as a clown and killed his older sister Judith afterwhich he was commuted to the Smith grove sanatorium. After 15 years Michael escaped and murdered many people ending up with many injuries but has survived (maybe due to the curse of thorn) Michael has since been caught and is being transferred here.

Charles Lee Ray -
Born January 24th 1950 in Hackensack New Jersey to an Irish American mother and an Austrian imagrant farther. His farther was a alcoholic who abused him and his mother. As an adult Charles started killing dubbed the lake shore strangler, living a double life he met a woman named Sarah who he became obsessed with. One day Charles kidnapped Sarah who was pregnant at the time but this was a mistake as she calls the police which later leads to him being chased down and being abandoned by his sidekick Eddie Capudo. Charles was shot and transferred his soul into a good guy doll. As the doll know as Chucky he killed many people it wasn't until years later that he was reanimated into his human body by a voodoo priest. He got caught 2 mounts later at a local river while trying to dump the body of Andy Barclay.

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