Chapter 7

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~time skip two weeks~

I have been in Australia staying at Mick's lair for two weeks now the guys are getting use to it although naturally there are a few arguments mostly because of the confined space not leaving enough room. Candyman comes and goes when he is being summoned and the guys go on killing sprees expect Michael who can only kill on Haloween so he usually keeps me company.

Today was like any other day until I saw the cars two of them white with blue and red lights on top POLICE! "everyone police hide" I yelled they all went into the underground tunnels mick showed them the way. They knocked on the door and I opened it sweetly there was a police man and police woman there "Hello officers what seems to be the problem?" I asked "hello ma'am I'm special agent Peter Stram this is special agent Clarice Starling we're investigating a string of murders" he said "murders?" I said pretending to be confused "yes have you seen any of these men?" She said holding up some images of the killers I was with and three I didn't know "no I haven't seen them" I lied "are you sure we have a witness saying they escaped a killer from this location" he said "they must be mistaken I live here alone" I lied "can we come inside" they asked "sure" i said nervously luckily there was a cupboard coving the tunnel entrance "so who are those three?" I ask pointing to the ones I don't know "Brahms Heelshire, Sweeney Todd And Gregory Butler Englishmen reports are that Brahms is alive and killed multiple women that were hired as nannys and a few men associated with them we can't find the house or Brahms, Sweeney Todd is reported too be a barber he apparently killed a judge and a about 20 men all clients his associate Mrs Lovett who the English police have in custody ratted him out, Gregory is a doctor and professor he alegadly killed his wife and a girl he was having an affair with Laurie as well as her roommate Tree and her friend Danielle's boyfriend Carter he went missing and hasn't been found since" she said I nodded the male officer was searching the house he went near the hidden entrance and I immediately stood in front of it "what are you hiding?" the female officer said "n...nothing" I said the pushed me out of the way and kicked the shelf over revealing the tunnel enterance "this is agent Starling and Stram requesting backup at the suspected location tunnel found, possibly the suspects" she said into a walkie talkie then they went threw the tunnel with me chasing them "no don't" I said but they ignored me. Two men in pig masks jumped on them and injected them with sedative they took there marks off "John, Mark thank god what are we going to do with them" I ask "we will test them" John said they put them in a trap they had been designing based on a trap made by Amanda the exploding collar "they called for backup" I said "shit alert the others more police will be here in 10 minutes although response time varies we need to leave now" Mark said "ok fine John can you make sure the vehicle is working?" I asked "yes" he said Mark went with John just in case and I went to alert the rest of them "stupid c***s I've lived in this place for years and now they come for me" Mick says he grabs his scrap book his Bowie knife and his Remington rifle. The others scramble to get there weapons I pick up the traps and blueprints John and Mark left behind and we run out of the tunnels and to the bus shoving everything into the luggage section "ok is everyone here let's see Freddy, Jason, Michael, Elliot, Mick, Mark, John, Joseph, Bo, Vincent, Norman, Hannibal, Leonard, Tom, Charles And Daniel" I checked everyone off as they got into the bus "ok good" I said then I went inside the lair one more time to grab the police files so there wasn't to much evidence. Then we drove away Mick presses a button and I see an explosion behind us "had it rigged in case of this situation blew up everything on the surface the cops will still be bellow in their traps" Mick says assuring Mark and John that he didn't just interfere with there testing.

"I know where we are going next" I said looking at the files "where?" Everyone said curiously "England" I said Pinhead sighed "home" he said. For the rest of the trip to the airport I sat next to Mark watching the cops doing there test on an iPad connected to the cameras

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