Chapter 2 (re written)

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I sighed and put my book down making sure to book mark it so I don't loose my spot so I could finish it later. I checked the monitor and saw it was Jason's cabin, I rushed out my front door and down the hill to his cabin and when I got there I couldn't help but laught at what I saw Jason was standing on a chair screaming and pointing, Norman who had obviously come in to help was standing on the bed yelling kill it kill it and Charles who must have herd the commotion was currently chasing the poor thing around and trying to step on it "Charles leave the poor thing alone" I said calmly thing made everyone go silent "come with me all of you we will get some cheese from the kitchen and I'll help you coax it into a shoe box so I can release it later" I said helping Norman off the bed as Jason jumped down from the chair like it was nothing. Charles and I walked out the door with Jason and Norman following close behind.

We went to the kitchen and I went threw the cupboards looking for cheese just then I herd a noise behind me "boo" a voice said "oh great it's you" I said sarcastically seeing the one person I didn't want to see "I thought you would be more happy to see me babe" he said faking a hurt look and wrapping his arm around me "get your arm off of me and what have I said about calling me babe" I said angrily "what would your mum and stepdad say if they herd you talking to me like that" he said sternly.

I was only 9 my mum being a high class lady that she is and believing in arranged marriage decided to betrothal me to a boy my age from a wealthy high status family like mine unfortunately this boy was rude and arrogant he would always treat me like dirt and as soon as he became a teenager he would try to have sex with me every time we met but I always stoped him from doing anything. He regularly visits me and can basically treat me how he wanted and I can't do anything because my parents and his parents think the sun shines out his arse
~end of flashback~

"Kendall what are you doing here" I said ignoring him and trying to find the box and handing the cheese to Norman. "Just here to see my future wife" he says "I will never be your wife no matter what my mother says" I said baring my teeth "you will be my wife" he said pinning me against a wall "back off arsewhole" Charles said grabbing him and pulling him away from me "hey buddy mind your own business" he said shoving him to the ground I could see they were going to get into a fight and both Charles and Jason had looks on there faces like they wanted to kill him while Norman was cowering in the corner "let it go guys let it go" I said trying to break up the fight and calm everyone down. "This won't be the last of me" Kendall said walking off.

Charles, Jason, Norman and I all went back to Jason's cabin and I went inside which Charles while Jason and Norman stayed outside. We opened the box's side and put the cheese in before putting it on the floor then we stood still and laid in wait after a few minutes the mouse came scurrying into the box after the cheese as soon as it was in we both pounced on the box shutting it "good job Charles" I said handing him the box as we left the cabin "ok we caught it Jason well just have too...." I said but cut off by a voice on my wallkie talkie "Morana there are two new arrivals they are permanents too please come down and greet them"

I walk inside the centre and into the new arrivals part I see three men one was wearing leather, a wig and makeup I recognised him as Leonard Marliston, the second one had short brown hair and hazel eyes he was wearing a mining costume expect for the breathing mask which he was holding I recognised him as Tom Hanniger. I was a fan of them as well and I went over there backstories quickly in my head.

Leonard Marliston -
Leonards mother Lora Lee Sherman was a high school loner who was raped by four drunk guys including Brent Marken which resulted in her being pregnant and gave birth to Leonard on 23rd of august 1975 just outside of the town of cherry falls not long after his birth Lora become an abusive alcoholic often beating him up which caused Leonard's hate of women he was a smart kid going to school under the surname Marliston he eventually got into college and got degree, he became an English teacher at the local high school then he started murdering virgins he succeeded in murduring 5 before his half sister Jodi stopped him but getting him impailed however he survived and after he recovered he got arrested and taken here

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