Chapter 3 (rewritten)

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That night I sat at the dinner table chocking down the disgusting meal of cooked eggplant and zucchini farther made on this day every week. Mother spoke up "so darling how did today go" she said raising an eyebrow is curiosity "it went well mother they are actually quite sweet" I said neglecting the part about Kendall coming over "remember dear these men are cold blooded killers don't get to close to them" farther said "farther I'm not three I can look after myself" i groaned "oh by the way a mouse got into Jason's cabin" I added "mice I thought you were supposed to get an exterminator in before the patients arrived?" farther said to mother "no dear that was your job" she said they had a brief argument over whose responsibility it was and then they went to their respective offices to finish paperwork

~time skip~

I walk down to the row of cabins ready to wake them up and start the day.
I first walked to Tom's as he was closest to my house. I knocked on the door but there was no answer "tom" I called out still no answer so I opened the door it creaked and I saw the poor man still asleep he was sweating and screaming his hair was sticking up in all directions from a rough nights sleep. I shook him hard which brought him out of it "huh" he said confused "tom it's ok you were having a nightmare" I reassured him outing a comforting hand on his shoulder "it's breakfast time" I told him "ok I'll be right there" he said smiling weakly.

Next I knocked on Leonard's door he was already up and reading "Leonard it's breakfast time" I said he looked up and adjusted his glasses "ok let me finish this chapter" he said smiling kindly

I then went to Norman's cabin and gave a soft nock on the door. It opened a few minutes later and Norman stood there rubbing his eyes
"Norman... sorry to wake you up but it's breakfast time." I spoke softly.
He blinked a few times as if trying to comprehend what I just said "O-okay ." He says smiling.
"I am going to wake the other others up can you please get dressed?" I ask him.
He nodded and I quickly left his cabin then head to the next.

Which is Hannibal Lecters, he is up and is drawing a group of people when I went to have a look however he hid it from view "Curious this morning Morana?" He says raising an eyebrow
"I am a bit I wanted to see what you were drawing I've seen some of your work it's quite breathtaking" I said honestly "I'm flattered but curiosity killed the cat" he said smirking in a way that let me know he wasn't threatening me he cheeks slightly pink from my compliment "breakfast is soon then swimming lessons but you continue drawling later." I told him.
"I will be sure to attend Thank you Morana."
I smile "your welcome Hannibal" I said

I then went to the next person cabin John. He was already up working on some kind of blue print probably for a test he hopped to do if he ever got out of this place. His doll Billy sat on the bed as if to remind him of Gideon and the life he lost. "Good morning john what are you working on?" I asked walking over
"I'm just going over the plans for one of my old traps to see if I could improve upon it" he said showing me the plans for the very first trap he ever made the one for Cecil which was a chair with knives around the face
"What was the problem?" I asked
"The chair collapsed and the restraints broke to early" he said coughing
"Why don't you build the chair out of metal and make the retains mechanical?" I suggested explain how it would work
"That's very smart of you Morana maybe you should be my apprentice" he said half serious and held joking
"Well for now it's breakfast time" I said he nodded in understand and I went to Charles cabin

I knocked on the door and went in only to see Charles fast asleep. "Charles, wake up please, it's breakfast time." I said no reply "Charles?" I said still no reply "Charles!" I said louder shaking him he groaned and lazily swayed my hand "five more minutes" he said tiredly "fine but then you need to get up get dressed and come to breakfast" I said he waved his hand at me showing he herd me and then went back to sleep so I moved on to Michael.

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