Mad Paintings (An Ib/ Mad Father/ Pewdiepie Fanfic)

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Hey guys! So, I came up with another GENIUS idea. xD I was like... 'What if I mixed Mad Father and Ib together, but instead of the main girls still being played, I was the main girl in both stories and Garry was Pewdiepie?' Well, we'll see how that works out for me, won't we? =u= lol. Well, here we go. Wish me luck!



I sat on the edge of my bed, listening to the distant screams of Father's experiments. I knew everything. I knew that he killed mother, I knew that he was killing people to make his dolls. And I knew of his plan to turn me into a doll. The corpses were still there, and I had grown accustom to their ways, and I sort of put pity on them. They were trapped here because of an insane man. An insane man that enjoyed seeing their dead faces. Oh, the poor souls... I felt sorry they had to go through so much torture and pain...

I walked over to my open window and looked out. I could smell the pleasant aroma of the flowers down below, accompanied by the moans and cries of the dead that walked about the garden, sometimes begging for help under their breath. It saddened me.

Tap. Tap. Tap. The door was being knocked on, and I turned to face it. It was locked, but I walked up to it and placed my hand on the handle, ear pressed against the thick oak wood.

"Who is it?" I asked harshly, hoping not to seem too vulnerable to whoever was out there.

"It's Maria, mistress. Your father is asleep and I have brought you your supper. Please let me in," Maria said, and I unlocked the door and let her in, quickly shutting it and locking it behind us.

Maria walked over to my table in the corner of the room, setting the covered basket of food on it's surface. She unveiled the meal from underneath the woolen cloth that had hidden it, and I could smell the salty, meaty smell of chicken, green beans, and corn. She proceeded to fill my vase with fresh water from the kitchen, just as she would every night. I waited until she was finished to approach her.

"What is he doing? He still believes me to be the doll sitting in the doll room?" I asked the brunette assistant that had gained my trust during my great struggle. She looked at me and nodded, a faint smile on her lips.

"The doctor continues his work alone, slowly going mad. It is apparent to me that the poison I have been slipping him is starting to take it's true effect; he's been having dizzy spells and his breathing is slowed and will not come to him easily anymore. He is weak, shaky, and he rests more often than what he used to. As for the doll, milady... He still believes it to be you. He talks to it during dinner, always laughing and muttering under his breath. He changes it's clothing quite often, always trying to make it... 'happy'..." Maria seemed disturbed at this thought, wincing, staring off into space.

"Please do whatever you can to get me out of here, Maria. Thank you for all you've done," I said, placing a hand on her shoulder and smiling. She smiled in return.

"I must go, mistress. I don't have much time to make more poison."

And with that, Maria left, and I was all alone.

*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *


I jolted up in bed, awakened by a loud scream coming from the main entrance downstairs. I dared not move, listening for more.

"WHAT IS HA.... HAPPENING TO ME?!?! IT BURNS....!!!" It was Father. It was taking effect....

"Doctor?! What's going on, Doctor?!" Maria screamed, acting as if she was in shock of what was happening. "Doctor?! Wake up, Doctor!" she screamed again. It was silent. He was dead, and I was almost free.

I heard the sickening sounds of Maria dismantling my father with a sharp operation knife that he had once used to dismantle small, innocent children.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Mistress... you are free."

Mad Paintings (An Ib/ Mad Father/ Pewdiepie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now