Garry's P.O.V

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I woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. I pushed my bang out of my face and sat up, kicking the covers off of myself to get up. I went to the blue vase and took some of the cold water from it, splashing my face lightly.

"God, what's got it so hot in here?" I whispered to myself, walking over to the door and unlocking it. I could hear crackling on the other side.

I opened the door slowly, letting in a warm light. I peeked around the door frame to find a fire, red hot and blazing, swirling in circles around the four walls of the corridors. It was creeping slowly towards our room, sending every door it touched into a fiery oblivion.

"Elizabeth!" I yelled to wake up my sleeping beauty. She opened her eyes slowly, sitting up. I threw a pair of black pants and  a black tank top at her from inside the dresser drawer. She began to put them on and I hastily put on the second outfit in the dresser, quickly put on and tied my boots, and grabbed the two roses from the vase.

"What's going on, Garry?" Elizabeth asked as she pulled on her shoes and got up, pulling her long black hair into a pony tail.

"We've got to go. Hurry, and don't you dare let go of my hand, okay?" She nodded and I pulled her out the door. The fire was eating up everything in it's path, growing stronger and faster than before.

We came to a corner and I turned it putting a hand out to stop myself from running into it. I yanked my fragile Elizabeth down this new hall and made a way for the thick metal door that awaited at the end of the hallway.

"Come on, Lizabeth. It'll be safer in here," I promised her as I opened the door for her and saw that she ad tears streaking down her cheeks. I must have overexerted her...'

I shut the door and slammed the metal bar down on it. I turned around to face Elizabeth and check out just where we were.

Elizabeth had sat down in a far corner and was sobbing quietly, her knees to her chest, her arms rested on her knees, and her face buried in her arms. I walked to her and sat down next to her, rubbing her back lightly. She looked up at me with tear-streak cheeks.

"You'd think I'd be okay, after all that happened in my father's house..." she said, looking away to wipe the tears. "But I can't take it anymore. I had just escaped... Just found freedom and had it tight in my grip... But now it's gone, Garry. It's gone."

I furrowed my brow in sadness as she said this. This poor girl had saved e from death, and I overlooked the fact that she had just escaped a horrific lifestyle in a maniac's house. How could I have been so numb to that?

"Look, honey," I said. "I'll help us get out of here. I know it's bad now, but just think... When we get out, I will buy us a house far away from here. We'll be happy and you won't have to be scared anymore. I promise." It was the least I could say to her. I loved her, and I hoped she believed that.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, a voice came from behind.

"Hello? Are you two lost as well?"

** Ah, cliffhangers... you've gottah love them! xD I'll let you in on a hint though... It isn't Mary! (Right now you're probably all like "WHAAA?! What kind of atrocity is this?!") But I will say that it's a character made by and frequently referred to by Pewdiepie himself. Good luck on figuring that out and see you soon! **

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