Chapter 1

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Huff, huff, huff, huff...

I sprinted through down the dark road towards the town lights. I could hear the distant bustle of civilazation and I couldn't wait to get out and see it. I looked at a green sign to my right. 'New Exhibit in Art Gallery!' it read, grabbing my curiousity. I would go there and rest, I decided.

FInally, I came out of the dark woods and into the dim town, just beginning to wake up. There were few cars on the street and all the shops were just begginning to open. My stomach growled and I realized I hadn't eaten in quite some time. My pockets were full of money, so I decided that I would get some fresh, warm ramen from a vendor just opening shop.

I devoured my meal and headed towards the east side of town, where the gallery would just be opening. I heard my phone issue a message tone and took it out of my pocket to see what was going on. I was Maria.

Have you reached town yet, Mistress? I have taken care of the ... vermin and supper will be ready at six. Please try to be home soon and be safe.

I texted her back and went on my way to the art gallery.

I came to the glass doors of the gallery and put my hand on the handle, pulling until the heavy door opened enough to where I could fit inside. The entryway smelled of sweet roses and was well air conditioned; my bare arms and legs took on goosebumps. I smiled at the blonde boy working the counter and he smiled back. I walked past him, to the main gallery hall. There were beautiful but odd paintngs and sculptures decorating the plain white gallery, in which the descriptions had words from a different language that I couldn't decipher.

The main hall led to another hall, that had one large painting on its walls. I walked up to it. It was peculiar... Very peculiar.

Suddenly, the lights fickered off, then back on. I started to run back to the main hall, just to find it empty.

"Hello? Is anyone here? Hello?!" I called. No one answered my calls. I started to panic. This was too strange for me... What was going on?

I ran back into the main hall and looked around. Something behind the window caught my eye and I looked, only to find nothing was there. I shrugged it off and began to look around some more, and a loud banging from the window made me jump, trippimg and falling backwards onto a painting of a giant sea creature. I tumbled down some hidden stairs that must have been concealed by the painting.

I landed on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, flat on my back. The red room as spinning, and I had to wait for it to stop before I could get up. Slowly, I rose to my feet and looked at my surroundings. There were two paintings on either side of the stairs, and to my left was a long, dim hallway. I curiously found myself meandering down it.

I walked slowly, reading the letters painted in red on the walls.

'C...O...M...E... ...E...L...I...Z...A...B...E...T...H...'

I shuddered in horror, stopping to stare. Someone knew I was here. Someone was watching me... Expecting me. It sent frigid chills down my spine as my eyes took in the eerie message, and I continued walking at a faster pace until I came to the end of the hallway.

There was a door and a table at the end, and on the table sat a delicate looking vase full of pure water and a single red rose. I reached out to take it, but I stopped myself to think. What if it was a trap? I laughed to myself and reassured myself nothing would happen and took it, examining it in my hands. It was a normal rose, it seemed and I began walking back down the hallway. But something caught my eye.

Under my foot, the word 'thief' was spelled out in red. I stared in horror and puzzlement, my frightened eyes looking up and flicking from letter to letter on the wall.


"I didn't... I didn't steal anything..." I muttered under my breath, my voice shaky. "I... I've gottah find a wait out... I have to find a way out!" I said, coming back to the place I came in. The stairs were gone, and in their place was a thick, real wall. I started to panic.

I tucked the rose in my pocket and began to sprint back down the hallway. The door... I thought, The door must lead to somewhere... It has to lead to somewhere.

I came to the door and halted abruptly, placing my hand firmly on the door knob, twisting, then burst past the threshold and into another hallway. I took a deep breath and began walking down the dim hall until my eyes caught something lying on the floor. As I moved closer, I could make out the color violet, followed by all the characteristics of a young man passed out on the floor. I crouched down and turned him a bit to get a look at his face only to find he was knocked out cold. I exhaled a sigh of annoyance and deep thinking.

I happened to glance behind the man, to the left, and noticed a small, blue rose lying on the floor, halfway withered, it seemed. I walked over to it, bent over, and picked it up, turning it in my hands to examine what I had found.

Maybe... Maybe this is his? I though, walking back over to the man.

I crouched down again and shook him. "Um... Excuse me, but is this yours, by any chance?" I asked, and he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"SHIT!" he screamed, getting back from me, eyes wide. I looked at him, puzzled. He brought his hands to his face and gathered himself, smiling a stupid smile then proceeded to speak, "I'm sorry, girl. I didn't mean to get... scared like that. My name is Garry, but if you'd like, you can call me Pewds." He got up and walked to me.

"I'm Elizabeth," I said with a faint smile. "Where are we?" I asked, looking up at the tall guy. He shrugged.

"I have no fucking clue."

Mad Paintings (An Ib/ Mad Father/ Pewdiepie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now