Chapter 4

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** Well, here we go, guys. The moment of unveiling an unrelated-to-anything-I-put-in-the-story character! xD At the end of this chapter, I have another announcement, so keep on reading, my lovelies! **

I whirled around to see who had just approached us. Behind us, standing in the shadows, was a figure of a tall, thin boy. He stepped into the light and revealed a warm smile and a light wave to us.

"Hello, my name is Stephano," he said, holding out a hand for me to lift myself up on. I took it and he pulled me up.

"I'm Elizabeth. And this is Garry," I responded, pointing to Garry, who was standing behind me with his hand on the small of my back. Garry smiled warmly.

I stared at Stephano, taking in and memorizing his physical features. He had pale white, almost grey skin, black eyes, and shiny, platinum blonde hair. His lips were a pale pink, and his face was most boy like, still chubby but slowly being shaped into a charming man's face. His teeth we white and incisors pointed. Stephano was tall and thin, wearing a yellow t-shirt, khaki-brown pants, black tennis shoes, and he had a brown leather bag slung across his body.

"So, did you get a rose too?" I asked him. For a moment, he looked puzzled, but then he turned, dug through his bag, and pulled out a golden rose.

"Yes, I did," he said, smiling. "It's been a tough time keeping it away from Guertena's fiends." He looked annoyed and disgusted at the though of them.

"What is this place?" Garry asked Stephano. Stephano smiled and sat down, and Garry followed, pulling me down too.

"I believe it's an alternate dimension, Garry. It's payment for our sights upon the fabulous work of Guertena. I've been here twice before, and each time, the lay out has been different," Stephano said. Garry's eyes widened.

"So you know how to get out?" he asked eagerly.

"Of course I do, but it's not easy. We have to find Sketchbook and get the key to the room of mirrors. It's the only way out, but Sketchbook isn't the easiest of places to find. Mary could help us, but I don't know how she would react to new people..." Stephano looked to the floor, contemplating.

"Mary?" I asked him, curious to see who she was. I didn't know much, but if she could help us out of here,  wouldn't much care.

"She is one of Guertena's painted girls. She can't leave, and if told the wrong thing, she can be dangerous..." Stephano looked worried.

"Well, anything is better than staying here. Do you know where to find this Sketchbook place? Is there something specific to look for?" Garry pressed. Stephano looked up, thinking for a minute.

"Well, you have to find the doll room and get the key from one of the dolls before their master kills you. It's a blue door and you'll hear a child's laughter from behind it. I know it's not down the east hall there, or the northern hall. Obviously, it's not the southern hall either, because that's where you two came from and it's ablaze. So, would you mind to travel with me down the western hall?" He smiled at us, and I looked at Garry with hopeful eyes. Garry nodded and rose to his fee.

"Lead the way, kiddo," Garry said, and Stephano jumped up and took out a flashlight from his bag.

"Stay close, you two... It's easy to get lost and even harder to get found in here."

** I apologize for such a short chapter, but I'll have a longer chapter up maybe tonight. :) And that announcement.... CONTEST TIME!!! :D Okay, here's the just of it:

Readers must comment a descriptive character idea and name. Whoever comes up with an interesting, round character gets their character featured in my book. How much fun! :D So, let your comments unleash your ideas and I will announce the winner soon! **

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