Chapter 5

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First off, let me start by saying sorry that this update took so long. My computer blew up, and might I add that I am a very poor musician. I had no moneyto get it fixed until now! Haha, so please, enjoy this chapter, and my depest apologies.

"Could you please watch where you're going, Garry?" I hissed as he tore up the back of my shoes with almost every step we took.

"I'm sorry! It's tight down this hallway and you two are going really slow!"

I groaned as Stephano stopped and turned to us, Garry nearly mulling me over.

"Guys, I can't think with you two children arguing all the time. We have at least three more miles of this until we reach where we're going. I honestly am about five more mnutes away from smashing your skulls in..." Stephano said with a annoed, horrifying expression on his face. I shrunk back into the darkness and he rolled his ees, turning back into the dark void ahead of us and started walking.

"See... Stop," I hissed at Garry. He coughed, clearly pissed at the comment, but continued walking at a repectable distance behind me.

Stephano stopped as we came to a three way fork in the halls, and I caught up behind him, followed by Garyy.

"West..." Stephao thought aloud, pointing in both directions as he contemplated which one we would be going in. "West," he finally said after a few awkward seconds of silenceand we took a right, going down the dark, wide hallway in a messy triangle fashion.

"How much longer, Stephano?" Garry asked, looking around us. The walls appeared to be glowing in places, a neon blue light. It really calmed my nerves but made me wonder just what was out there.

"Shorter than we expected, naturally. This blue light signifies the arrival to the doll room. Soon we should be coming to a tall, golden door with a button handle. You'll see the torches on either side."

Garry nodded and grabbed my hand. I held on tight, slightly frightened at the idea of dolls.

I thought back to the days of my father. He wanted to turn me into a doll, one of his test subjects. I never quite understood why he would choose to murder his own wife and turn his only child into a porclain masterpiece, but one thing was for sure. I would not stand for it, and the poison was the least he deserved for his actions and thoughts.

"Hey! I see a light!" Garry called out, and I quickly shushed him.

There, in the distance, was a luminescent, golden light. Itwas far off still, as it was very tiny, just a small becon of our destination. I squeezed Garry's hand and looked at him, and he smiled at me.

"Stephano? Do you suppose you could get the key? I haven't the slightest clue of what to look for, and frankly... You're the expert here," I said. Stephano smiled and looked at me.

"I've got this, madam. No need to worry."

Just then, we reached the door. It stood at least 25 feet tall, towering over us in an eerie way. I could hear small children laughin on the inside and it made me feel sick. Garry inhaled uncomfortably.

"Hurry back, buddy. Don't get killed.." he said, smiling slightly. Stephano nodded and reluctantly reached for the worn black handle and turned it, and with a loud click, the door creaked open and Stephano slipped inside, into the darkness, closing the monsterous door behind him.

As soon as it closed, Garry grabbed me and spun me around towards him. He caught me of gaurd and kissed me passiontely.

"I don't want to loose you in here. Promise me... Promise me you won't die," he said, with a concerned look on his face.

"I promise, Garry..." I said, hugging him.

Suddenly, the torches blew out. There was a banging on the door and screaming. I jumped into action faster than I had before.

"Stephano!" I called out as I attempted to turn the door knob. It wouldnt budge. The door began to shake with the intensity of his banging.

"We're coming! I'm coming!" I called as I pulled and pulled.

"Hold on! I'm coming, Stephano!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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