Chapter 6

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I was still in shock when Travious and the nurse came into the room. The nurse had short,  curly, red hair and a tan.  She had an hourglass body and freckles sprinkled over her nose. "Hello ma'm! My name is Nancy! How are you feeling?", she asked, looking at me with her large blue eyes. 

Her accent was strong when she said it. It was a British one, as far as I could tell. "Alright", I reply, glancing slightly at Travious.

He smirks and winks. I look back at the nurse quickly. " Do you want me to get a doctor, or do you want me to do your questions?", she asked politely. 

I thought on the question for a bit before answering.  "Can you please go get the doctor?", I asked in reply.

She nodded and left the room. I immediately looked at Travious who sat in a chair to my left.  I stared at him for a bit - while he played on his phone  -  before he looked at me, confused. I roll my eyes. "Are you really that clueless?", I asked with sass. 

"What?", he asked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes again. "So are we going to talk about what happened or not?", I asked him.

"What is there to talk about? We kissed and that's it.", he replied looking down back at his phone.

"Are you serious? You kissed me with no warning or anything and you are just going to act as if nothing happened?", I yelled, my eyes bulging out of my head.

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Yea", he replied.

Before I could say anything, the doctor walked in.  "Hello. My name is Dr. Williams", he said with a sweet smile.

He had sandy blonde hair that went to his shoulders and pretty brown eyes. He was very muscular and had a scar right above his left eye. "Hi. My name is Travious. ", Travious said with a smile.

"I'm assuming your Kianna, Right?" Dr. Williams asked looking at me. 

I nodded with a weak smile.  He smiled, making him look younger. "Are you in any kind of pain?", he asked, swiping his slightly curled hair behind his ear.

"No", I answer.

"Ok. Do you remember anything before you blacked out?", he asked me.

"A little bit. It is slowly coming back to me piece by piece", I replied as he finishes writing something down.

"Ok. That's always good isn't it?", he laughed, " Do you feel nauseous or dizzy at all?"

"A little bit dizzy, yeah", I reply as things stat spinning slightly. 

" Ok. I will get you some water while Nancy takes your shots. Ok?", he said looking in my eyes. 

I nodded as Nancy reentered the room. She took out the shot and wipes faster than I could comprehend. It wasn't long until she was rubbing the wipe against my left arm. I looked away as she picked up the needle and poked me with it. When she pulled it out, she put everything  away and left the room. Dr. Williams walked back in with a glass of water. He helped me to sit up before speaking. "Here you go", he said handing me the cold glass.

"Thank You", I said before drinking half of it down.

"Don't forget to breath", Travious joked as I was getting past the half-way point.

I brung the glass from my lips and shot him a glare. Both Travious and Dr. Williams laughed as I tried to lay back down. Travious took the glass from my hand as Dr. Williams helped me to lay down.  "There you go dear", he said as soon as my head hit the pillow.

"Thank you", I replied with a small smile.

He nodded and left the room just to come back in 5 minutes later. "As of now you will be able to leave tomorrow afternoon. We just want to keep you here just to be safe ok?" he said.

Travious and I nodded. I yawned signaling for them to leave the room. As soon as they did I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Credit to meia_and_yuna for the drawing

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