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~DyingLlama has logged on~ 

~PrincessJin has logged on~ 

PrincessJin: EVAN~!!! 

DyingLlama: Hi Jin-hyung~! 

PrincessJin: how was your day? (^_^)

DyingLlama: not great. Okay so, like. I hate my friends (fake ass ones), and I hate school. Like, wtf. I hate the teachers and oml don't even get me started with friend stuff. I don't even think I should be calling them my friends. I mean, they are assholes. ( ̄^ ̄)

PrincessJin: that's TERRIBLE! o(╥﹏╥)o

PrincessJin: Oh and Evan.. language please. :)

DyingLlama: right, sorry about that. 

PrincessJin: you are not on that much. I missed talking to you. 

DyingLlama: oh yeah. It's cause of school you know. Always busy and sh-... shizzz. 

PrincessJin: it's good that your getting your education first. *pat pat* 

DyingLlama: I guess you could say that. 

DyingLlama: how was your day Jin-hyung? 

PrincessJin: oh. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. 

DyingLlama: spill the tea. 

PrincessJin: okay, so like. You know how hard it is to take care of Jungkook and Taehyung. Don't get me started with those too. I mean like, I love them both and all.. but JISOOS! Let a mother get some sleep! aissh, how does Nina take care of you guys? 

DyingLlama: .... Nina... uhh.... I mean, don't be mad at her....  we just do our own things.. I mean, I rant about my friends and life, Samila and JG have a diss off, appa Sam and eomma Nina are just being parents, Skye being kinky as always.. and Julie... well... basically she's a vampire. haha. 

PrincessJin: ... I see. 

DyingLlama: yep. That's BTG for you. 

PrincessJin: Evan, you wanna hear my dad jokes? haha

DyingLlama: sure. I could use them 

PrincessJin: okay. How do you organize a space party? 

DyingLlama: i don't know. 

PrincessJin: you Planet! *window laugh* 

DyingLlama: hahaha

PrincessJin: seeeeeee, even though I can't hear you laughing. I still love to see you smile. 

DyingLlama: oh, I'm basically a dying llama. 

PrincessJin: a cute dying llama :) 

DyingLlama: haha. 

PrincessJin: Evan, I should take you out. 

DyingLlama: like.. a date? 

DyingLlama: oh no. hah, you wouldn't want to date me Jin-hyung. I am not the type to date. I would probably rant on and on. Plus.... I'm younger than you..

PrincessJin: haha. Evan, I don't mind talking to you. I know you like me. Julie told me actually. That girl is something. No wonder Jungkook likes her so much haha. 

DyingLlama: well, you don't think I'm weird at all?? wow, that's a first. everyone thinks I'm weird. 

PrincessJin: embrace who you are. (≧∇≦)/

PrincessJin: is there anywhere you want to go Evan? 

DyingLlama: hmmm.... I don't know. Probably a mall? 

PrincessJin: great! we can go get face masks and such. It will be my treat. (^v^)

DyingLlama: .............. your going to spoil me huh?

PrincessJin: ...... maybe. (⌒▽⌒)

DyingLlama: well, I would like to go with you Jin-hyung. 

PrincessJin: :) 

~Alien has logged on~ 

Alien: wow, and you won't take me out ╮(─▽─)╭

~Jhorse has logged on~ 

Jhorse: I agree with V. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

PrincessJin: hey, get out of this chat. ಠ_ಠ

DyingLlama: hi Tae and Jhope. 

Jhorse: Evan your alive! O(≧∇≦)O

Alien: where have you been? 

PrincessJin: school, friends, now gooooo pleaseeeeeee for eomma (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Jhorse: I was talking to Evan. 

Alien: ^^^^^ 

PrincessJin: -.- 

DyingLlama: well, I got to go. School calls me -.- 

DyingLlama: bye now. 

PrincessJin: bye Evan! <33 

Alien: byeeee

Jhorse: byyyyeee

~DyingLlama has logged off~ 

PrincessJin: ( ̄へ ̄)

~PrincessJin has logged off~ 

Jhorse: what's with him? 

Alien: i don't know. I will never understand him ._. 

Jhorse: ..... right because he's the one that's not normal in BTS. ( ̄へ ̄)

Alien: ikrrr!

~Jhorse has logged off~ 

Alien: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

~Alien has logged off~ 

A/N: I don't know anymore lol

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