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~Alien has logged on~ 

Alien: lalalalalalalala....

Alien: I am so lonelyyyyyyy 

Alien: I have no bodddyyyyy

~AppaSam has logged on~ 

Alien: it's appa~! (*^▽^*)

AppaSam: ahaha. Hi Tae

Alien: how was your day? 

AppaSam: it's always been the same for me ahah. Nothing really exciting happens. 

Alien: awwwh. My poor Sam! Being bored 24/7! :( 

AppaSam: ahaha. It's not really a big deal, Tae. It's fine. 

Alien: no it's not. 

Alien: I should take you out. (*^▽^*)

Alien: on a date

Alien: you know.. two people. 

AppaSam: I know what a date is Tae lol. 

Alien: hahaha. I knew that... I think. 

AppaSam: :) 

Alien: awwh, you smiled~ :D 

AppaSam: ... I don't what to say. 

Alien: I'll take you out on a date. 

AppaSam: haha... really..?

Alien: YEP! 

Alien: here is the date, I pick you up, we go out to a.... uh, cafe? YEA, a cute cafe. And then I take you shopping, then then..... uhh....... 

Alien: OH! Like in the movies I will lean in for a kiss. :) 

AppaSam: I'm shook. 

~Jhorse has logged on~ 

Jhorse: what.... 

Alien: GET OUT MAN! ಠ_ಠ

Jhorse: bro... I don't even know anymore. 

Jhorse: just do you.... 

~Jhorse has logged off~ 

AppaSam: when is this date exactly? 

Alien: .... darn it. 

AppaSam: .... 

Alien: I did not think about that... uhhh...... tomorrow? 

AppaSam: that would be nice. :) 

Alien: YAAAY~! 

AppaSam: hahah. 


Alien: awwh, it's a blurry pic, I is sad now :( 

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Alien: awwh, it's a blurry pic, I is sad now :( 

AppaSam: hahah. You still look good. :) 

AppaSam: are you... outside? 

Alien: yep. 

AppaSam: why? 

Alien: .... I don't know. But I'm walking back to the building. 

AppaSam: don't get lost! 

Alien: oh please, I'm never lost. :D

AppaSam: ..... yeaa... 

Alien: I made it alive! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

AppaSam: haha. 

Alien: do you hear Jhope screaming? 

AppaSam: ... I actually do. What's happening? 

Alien: ...... 

AppaSam: ... 

Alien: oh. He's just watching a movie. 

AppaSam: is it a scary one? 

Alien: I can't tell. It's probably Scary Movie. 

AppaSam: hm. 

Alien: I'm so tired from walking back here. 

AppaSam: and where did you come from in the first place. 

Alien: .... 

AppaSam: you don't remember... 

Alien: hang on. 

Alien: of course I remember.. 

Alien: sort of.... 

Alien: okay, fine I don't remember. 

AppaSam: oh Tae. 

Alien: :D 

AppaSam: well, one, I can't be mad or disappointed in you because you are cute.

Alien: ahahah. Cute like you. :) 

AppaSam: ..... 

AppaSam: go to sleep.. 



AppaSam: hey, no I'm not... 

Alien: I sense that you are. :) 

AppaSam: you are really something, Kim Taehyung. 

Alien: .. I get that a lot. 

AppaSam: I can see why. 

Alien: hahaah. I guess I will go to sleep. 

AppaSam: you should. 

Alien: but I still wanna talk to you~~~~~~~~ 

AppaSam: your going to be like Julie, if you don't sleep. 

Alien: how so? 

AppaSam: .... Julie doesn't sleep. 

Alien: uh-huh. 

AppaSam: soo, we think she's a vampire. 

Alien: OOOH, what fun! O(≧∇≦)O

AppaSam: ..... 

Alien: but I will sleep because you told me so, and I must follow what ever you say. :) 

AppaSam: hahah. 

AppaSam: oh, your serious... 

Alien: hm. 

AppaSam: just go to sleep. 

Alien: I will! 

Alien: good night Sam~! 


Alien: I lobe you~! <3333333

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Alien: I lobe you~! <3333333

AppaSam: hahah. Love you too Tae! Good night! 

Alien: I will sea you tomorrow~!

AppaSam: hahaha. Yep! 

~AppaSam has logged off~ 

Alien: I love Sam. :) 

~Alien has logged off~ 

A/N: we all adore Tae. hahaha

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