
27 4 40

~Alien has logged on~ 

Alien: OH, I know. 

~Alien has added dibidibidisMinho to the chat~ 

Alien: hyuunnnngggg 

dibidibidisMinho: hiiiiiiiiiii 

Alien: why do you have a long name 

dibidibidisMinho: why not. 

Alien: ..... 

dibidibidisMinho: you should ass Hyung Sik. 

Alien: yaaaas

~Alien has added PHSik to the chat~ 

dibidibidisMinho: now it's a party 

Alien: what about the other cast? 

PHSik: what about them. 

dibidibidisMinho: ... 

Alien: ... 

Alien: turn up. 

PHSik: why the long name Minho. 

Alien: that's what i said hyung. 

dibidibidisMinho: okay, they were all out of "Minhooooo", "Minhoe", "SexyMinho", "CMinho". 

PHSik: why not just Choi Minho? 

Alien: ^^^ that one isn't taken 

dibidibidisMinho: ... 

dibisibidisMinho: leave me alone. 

Alien: haha 

PHSik: haha 

Alien: what's everyone up to 

PHSik: everyone asks me that question. 

Alien: .. 

dibidibidisMinho: aish, don't be all mean. This isn't Hwarang. 

PHSik: -.- 

Alien: I miss that 

dibidibidisMinho: all the girls were screaming over me lol 

PHSik: get out 

~dibidibidisMinho has changed his name to Choi Minho~ 

PHSik: thank the lords you changed your name 

Alien: ^^^^^ 

Choi Minho: pssh 

Choi Minho: I heard you and the rest of BTS are living with the new group 

PHSik: BTG right. 

Alien: yep. 

Choi Minho: how's Jungkook handling it lol, since you know, he's not that cool with girls 

PHSik: still? How old is he like 20 lol 

Alien: yah, don't make fun of him. 

Alien: and we all get along... sometimes. 

Alien: and Jungkook loves it. He's actually dating one of the members. 

Choi Minho: whoa, finally being a man. 

PHSik: *claps* 

Alien: hahah. Yeah, I shouldn't be talking about this 

Choi Minho: spill the tea TaeTae 

PHSik: oh god Minho 

Choi Minho: what? I just wanna know gosh 

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