Gunshot Escape

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Kilgrave hadn't been in the room for the past hour. I had been alone, anxious if he'd come back. I needed to get to Trish, wherever they had her. I couldn't let her die as well.

"Jessica! Get moving!" He was shouting in my ear again. I grunted, knowing Kilgrave couldn't just come back the second I manage to get out of here.

The water danced around my ankles as I made my way to the glass, silence like a disease.

"Trish is going to die if you don't hurry up, Jessica." I felt him staring at me as I gazed through the glass blankly. I had to do this. I had no other choice.

My hand shot backwards, slick in the thick, warm air around me. My arms propelled forward, I hardly felt the glass break, only the shower of the debris smother my body. A storm began to manipulate my brain as my feet hit the cold ground, skin grazed by the discarded pieces of glass. My feet froze against the boreal air again my soaked skin.

"What are you doing, Jessica?" He was saying from inside the tank. I guessed he'd stay there for now. "Run!"

It hardly felt like my feet were hitting the ground; I was going so fast. I had no idea where Trish was being kept. I had no idea where Kilgrave was. I was gripping hope for a reason to carry on - I had no idea where I found that.

A screech eruption down the hallway as I sprinted into it. My eyes met the only door, and I had no idea if it was Trish. But I knew I was going through that door no matter what.

"Trish!" I screamed it as I charged at the door, kept going even through I didn't realise door had encased my side as I crashed into the room. I ripped if off of me, leaving it to smash against the floor.

I glanced upwards, the room dark, but only one spotlight on the centre of the room.

"Jessica." Trish whispered in a weary voice. She was strapped to the raised surface in the centre of the room. Wires connection to her chest and her forehead. It didn't take me long to begin to snatch them off, my head shouting that they couldn't take the only other person who I really care about.

"They say I have a power, Jessica." My fingers fiddled at the strap, until I got impatient and heaved at them as hard as I could. They all snapped off before I could tug hard. I dragged Trish to her feet heading towards the open doorway.

"Trish you can run, right?" I asked, my voice frantic.

"Definitely." She replied, as she released her grip from me. I slid my fingers around her wrist just to make sure I couldn't lose her again.

We came back to the tank, where we ran for the exit. I pushed Trish to the the door to freedom, swiftly. Her fingers struggled around it, but I didn't bother noticing while I tried to make sure we were safe from anyone.

"Jessica, I can't." I kicked the door open and I told her to run.

"Jessica." I halted. "Don't go, Jessica." He wasn't in my mind anymore. He was real. I spun around, while I signaled to Trish to keep running.

"I love you Jessica. Why would you leave me?" His hand kissed my cheek; he was so close.

"I'm not in love with you, Kilgrave. You have killed people I care about." My voice didn't break - I was so agitated.

"It was all going so well, Jessica." His lips stroked my cheek, his hand slithering round my body.

"You were going to kill my sister." I backed away from him, my back hitting the wall. "The only person I care about."

 Caged Bird // Jessica JonesWhere stories live. Discover now