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// Point of view of Trish //

I stared blankly at my computer screen. I could be doing a whole lot more than typing stupid words and signing deals off. I could be looking for my sister. My best friend.


I've lost track of the days since I escaped and she didn't. But I can remember months and it always tears me apart when I think about it. But I've looked for her everywhere and still - nothing.

I've gone back to the tank with armed guards and yet nothing but a note saying: goodbye. Jessica hadn't written it, but I kept, to remind me it wasn't goodbye. It's has become worldwide news that she is missing and that she was taken against her will. I would go back to her flat every now and then but when the investigators finished finding evidence, the place was cleaned - another person moved in.

It felt like everyone had forgotten Jessica completely.

Everyone but me.

She was still out there somewhere, whether Kilgrave still had her or not. I still remember the burst of noise as he shot her. I froze, and he stared in horror. It was a sudden, last chance to make sure Jessica would not run. He didn't mean it, but he did it.

The monster shot my sister.

But I was a monster that left her. She needed me, even if she told me to go, she needed me. I could have saved her. This wouldn't be happening if I just helped her.

"Miss Walker?" A police officer turned entered the room, but not fully, like he intended on walking straight out.

I lifted my head. "Yes?"

"You better come look at what we found." His jaw set, not sure what else to say.

"What did you find?" My chair skidded across the floor, almost falling. I rushed towards him, as he followed the hallway down to the main office we had been using.

I wasn't sure whether to prepare myself for what I was about to see, knowing it could be anything. Months of waiting and I could cry with happiness, or collapse in despair. But I knew I whatever it was, it'd bring us forward, not backwards. 

Once we arrived to the office, a group of officers, crowed round a computer screen, turned round to me, their eyes welling with a soft touch of sorrow.

Without a single word, they moved away, as I made my way over. I hadn't even watched the video but it felt like it would be the last thing I'd allow myself to see again. 

The video wasn't even playing yet but the first thing I could see was a blurry picture of Kilgrave, probably from a CCTV camera. He was standing in a forest area, with a footpath, but it was deserted. In the corner of the screen, I could see the rough outline of water - possibly a lake.

I hesitate before clicking but after, I took my chance. The video played.

Kilgrave was holding something, his touch delicate but careful around it. It took me a little longer to realise what it was.

An urn. 

A nausea scratched at my throat, my stomach, my mouth. I felt sick.

Kilgrave removed the top, his hand diving in. Seconds later, he brought out a scoop of ashes. He released them into the wind, and they flew onto the lake.

He was spreading ashes - Kilgrave didn't go all that way to spread ashes for someone he didn't love. He only loved one person. 


 Caged Bird // Jessica JonesWhere stories live. Discover now