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'Dad I am really excited,' said James Potter to Harry. Harry Potter looked into the eyes of his excited son and smiled. His wife Ginny, and his children Albus and Lily trailed after them looking glum. Harry turned back.

'Is everything alright?' he asked. Ginny looked at him. 'What wouldn't I give to be in Hogwarts again, I could smell the sweet aroma of the pumpkin pasties from the trolley witch's food cart,' she said. Harry laughed.

'Dad, I want to go now, I'll ask uncle Ron to give me one of the age potions and turn myself eleven,' said his son Albus hopefully.

'Albus,' said his mother sternly and Albus dropped his gaze. Lily spoke nothing. But one can easily spot the excitement in her as she was seeing the Hogwarts express for the first time.

'Dad, which house will I be put into?' asked James. 'James, you have been asking me about this since the last week. Seriously 'm nobody's Sorting hat.' said Harry in a mock anger.

The Potters now walked to the platforms nine and ten, with Harry pushing James's trolley. 'Now, don't forget all of you, the secret is don't stop running and don't fear that you'll crash OK,' said Ginny. 'James, you first,' she said.
James pushed his trolley and broke into a run and he smoothly sailed into the barrier between the two platforms. His family followed after him. The five Potters looked at the magical platform nine and three quarters.

Their faces broke into smiles. The clock nearby gave a loud shreik that there were still twenty minutes left for the train to move. James looked at the scarlet express. For months together he had been dreaming about the Hogwarts School Of Witch Craft and Wizardry. Now he is finally gonna make it.

Harry went to his son's side. He looked at the awestruck face of his son and smiled.
'What do you say champ?' he asked. 'Ready for an adventure?' he asked.

James grinned ear to ear and said,
'You bet,'


JAMES POTTER and the heir of the defeatedWhere stories live. Discover now