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James and Aditya were now searching the Marauder's map even in the classes. They searched for Araxas whenever the Slytherins were not taking classes with the Gryffindors. They were even forgetting about their homework now and were getting into detentions every now and then.

Angel and Veronica were now not leaving their side in the common room. No doubt it was all Veronica's idea of not leaving them all by themselves. She seriously intended to find out what they both were keeping from her. Well this was OK by Aditya as he could see Angel more than often. But even he must accept that they were with them, a bit more than often.

James hadn't yet recieved a reply for the letter he had sent his father. That day being a Saturday, James and Aditya were half heartedly doing their homework. There was still a week before their term ends and the Christmas vacation starts.

"Aditya could you please help me with this essay?" asked Angel. Aditya looked at her and had to fight down the impulse of holding her in his hands.

"Uh, sure!" he said and started checking her essay, though he knows it was flawless.

The common room was slowly getting vacant. All the Gryffindors were packing their things and going to sleep. Veronica placed her head on James's shoulder. He slowly kissed her forehead. Angel smirked but said nothing. Aditya was busy trying to correct her essay and trying hard not to look at the cute way she smirks.

"James!" called Veronica suddenly. He lifted his head from his work and looked at her. Even Angel and Aditya paused their work.

"Yeah!" James said. He knew what was coming. But how could he bring himself up to tell Veronica the truth.

"Please tell me what you guys are up to!" she said not wasting a moment. James started to say something but Angel stopped him.

"Spill the beans, James. You can't hide anything from us."

James locked eyes with Aditya. They both came to a silent agreement. They were not going to hide anything.

James waited until the common room was completely empty and he started the story right from the beginning. Aditya threw in the bits he'd forgot and somehow they finished their story. James even told them about his dreams and suspicions. Angel and Veronica looked at each other.

"So that's it. Go on laugh at us, calling us delusional!" said James fuming. Veronica moved forward and kissed his cheek and said,

"No one would call you and Aditya delusional James. I believe you! But whatever you do, please be careful."

For a moment Angel thought she saw Aditya staring at her hopefully, just when Veronica had kissed James on his cheek. She blushed and dropped her quill on purpose so she could hide her face.

Oh my god! she thought to herself as she picked up her quill. Is Aditya really having a crush on me? I've never believed when Albus told me. So it's true then!

After talking more about Severus Snape and Lord Voldemort, they finally went to their respective dormitories.

James changed into his night clothes and sat on his bed as Aditya joined him. They took a quick glance at the Marauder's map before stretching comfortably on their respective beds. James took off his glasses and placed them next to Aditya's.

"Get ready for the match mate!" came the voice of Aditya from his left. James snorted.

"I'm born ready to face Araxas mate!" he said and closed his eyes as an owl hooted in a distance. John Finnigan's low snores filled the room.

Get ready Araxas Malfoy! I James Potter am going to find out your little secret. He thought and allowed sleep to take over his body.


JAMES POTTER and the heir of the defeatedWhere stories live. Discover now