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Four years had passed since James and Aditya had been sorted into Gryffindor. The four years at Hogwarts School Of Witch Craft and Wizardry passed in a haze, with Araxas giving threatening glances, James and Aditya landing in detention, gaining points for their house through Quidditch and the excited and illegal meetings with Hagrid, at the dead of the nights. The fifteen year old James, as his father and grandfather, had inherited the seeker blood and is an excellent seeker. Aditya on the other plays a wonderful Chaser. They had snuck out of their room a lot of times, at night under the invisibility cloak with the help of the Marauder's map and nicked food out of the kitchen many a times. Prof. Longbottom had even branded them as the worst troublemakers Hogwarts had ever seen since James's uncles Fred and George Weasleys.

James had inherited Harry's hair and had the habit of rumpling it and making it shaggier. The ghost of Gryffindor, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, popularly known as Nearly headless-Nick mentioned that James greatly resembled his grandfather James Potter, with his eyes the colour of hazel nut and the same kind of attitude.

Aditya on the other hand, was humble, but bold enough to follow James in rule breaking. He had bronze skin, dark doe shaped eyes and sharp features. He would follow James, if necessary, even to the jaws of death. Such was their friendship.


James woke from his sleep and stared into nothingness for a while. Not knowing what to do, he woke Aditya up, who rose grudgingly.

"What's it now mate?" he asked. "Today's Saturday, I'm not exactly ready for another trip under the cloak to the kitchen." and slumped back into his bed.

James sighed. He put on his square shaped glasses and took out his wand.
"I'm sorry buddy," he said. He took a deep breath and shouted,


A jet stream of water shot out of his thirteen inches, Veela and unicorn hair wand and doused Aditya, who gasped and spluttered.

"Oi!" he screamed and tried to hit James who ducked behind him and shouted in his ear,
"Quidditch!" that got Aditya's attention.

"Oh, boy I'm such an arse," he said and started getting ready. James laughed, "That you are!" he said and started getting ready for the upcoming match against Hufflepuff.


The table on the left in the great hall cheered as James and Aditya entered. Aditya's insides were squeamish, but he accepted a plate of sandwiches and a jug of iced pumpkin juice.
James attacked his bacon and started loading on sandwiches.

He looked expectedly at the end of the Gryffindor table towards Veronica Thomas. She looked away from him smiling. He rumpled his hair and sighed like a woeful lover. Aditya smiled at him but made no comment.
From the Slytherin table, they could see Araxas looking at them, with a sneer on his face. James returned a look of utmost loathing and Araxas dropped his gaze. The rest of the Quidditch team came into the great hall and dropped into the vacant seats. James's Weasley cousins had all wished him and Aditya luck. James noticed Aditya looking furtively at his cousin, Angel Weasly, the fourteen year old daughter of his uncle George.

Aditya noticed James looking at him and dropped his face flushing deeply. They finished their breakfast. James picked up his Firebolt seven and Aditya picked up his Cleansweap eighteen.

"Best of luck James and you Aditya!" cried his brother Albus. Lily had hugged them and the both set off to the ground. Albus had joined Hogwarts, when James was in his second year, and Lily, when James was in his fourth year.

JAMES POTTER and the heir of the defeatedWhere stories live. Discover now