chapter 2

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(sheriff stilinski's pov)
I had just pulled into the driveway outside my house i noticed stiles car wasnt there thinking he must be with scott i got out of my car and made my way the front door i unlocked the door and opened it walking in expecting to see post on the floor as no one has been in today i look down only to see a single key i pick the key up realising its stiles key for the house i begin shouting his name while walking through the house i notice everything is tidy but it wasnt like that when i left this morning for work so stiles must be in and he dropped his key at the door when he came in i keep shouting his name but get no response so i go up stairs and check his room hes not there so i ring his phone it goes straight to voicemail which is odd he never lets his phone die once i put hang up the phone after leaving him a message to ring me when his phone is charged the landline begins to ring i answer it and ask who it is thats when i hear stiles voice telling me hes sorry hes a bad son even though hes not i love him more than he will ever know and i wouldnt trade him for anything so i tell him hes not a bad son and that i love him and ask where he is he tells me he cant tell me but he cant come back either or they will kill him thats when i get mad because someone has threated to kill my baby he maybe 19 but he will always be my baby i ask him to tell me what he means so he tells me everything that has happened with scott and derek and how derek got my son pregnant which is very confusing and how they said theyd kill him i ask him again to tell me where he is but he wont tell me he just says he will ring me another day and hangs up as soon as i get off the phone i ring chris argent and peter hale and tell them what has happend they tell me they will be here with in the hour with allison and malia then we are going to try and find my son while i what i ring the station and report stiles missing so everyone is out looking for him.

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