The Cold Water

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Bang. Crash. The cold water starts to pool in the car. I try to push the door open put the force of water isn't allowing me. I'm gasping for air, and look to my parents. They mouth I love you. We go farther into the unknown darkness that lies beneath us and......

"Beatrice, sis, wake up!" I jump up immediately, drenched in sweat that covers my whole body. I had the dream again. I look at my alarm clock and read 4:56. Caleb looks worried like he always does when this happens, his face contorted with fear. He just looks at me with sympathy in his eyes and understanding. He grabs my fear stricken body and pulls it close to his. His body is cold and sends chills down my body. "I love you sis", and with that he leaves my room and closes my door.

A droplet of sweat trickles down my forehead as I breathe deeply calming myself from my nightmare. I come to the conclusion that I won't be able to sleep so I walk or more like wobble to the washroom. I strip off my clothing and turn the shower handle to cold to wake me up. I get in and close my eyes and run my fingers through my hair. Then it hits me again. The cold water filling up in the car. Trapped. Banging on the windows for a way out.

I fall on the black marble floor of my shower and start to breathe deeply. I place my hands on my face and lean against the wall in my shower. Gosh this is really getting to me.

I control my breathes and stand up, turning the water to warm. I just stand there for a long time thinking of how my first day at high school could go. I turn the water off and grab a towel from our towel heater that is place right across from my shower door. The towel is warm on my skin sending a wave of comfort as I walk in to my room. I grab maroon skinny jeans and a loose grey long sleeve shirt that has a fierce tiger at the front. I slip my stuff on quickly, and had back into the washroom.

I grab my blow dryer and brush and start doing my hair. After that I straitened it a bit with my flat iron and apply a bit of makeup. I hear noises upstairs at my brothers level/floor, so I decide to walk up the stairs to go check up on him.

I walk up the long flight of stairs and walk down my brothers hallway to his room. I open my door and see him cleaning up the pieces of a tiny red sculpture that he broke that once laid on his night table. I start to help him pick them up then we both throw the pieces of glass in the garbage.

I look at his palm and notice a cut stretching across it.

"Are you okay Caleb?"I say full of worry.

"Ya, just cut myself with the glass I guess", he says showing me a sad half smile, "How are you holding up?" I know what he means but I really don't want to talk about. I shrug. I guess I'm okay but am I really.

He tells me he's going to take a shower so I walk downstairs past my level, to my gaming/sport level. There is a room at the end if the floor that is for first aid. Inside are many things like, crutches, gauze, braces, and things for tending to wounds. I walk to the cabinet and grab gauze and a suture kit. Since my mom used to be a famous Orthopaedic surgeon she taught me and my brother to do a simple stitch on a wound and apply cast to broken or fractured bones.

I walk upstairs to my brothers floor again and walk in his room. He already has a pair of dark black jeans on but he is button in up his blue and red plaid shirt.

"Hey, sit down for a second", I say to him pulling out the stuff I need from my pocket. He sits down in the wheelie chair in front of his homework desk and places his hand on the table.

I start to stitch close his hand, Caleb doesn't even flinch. I guess after all that happened we both look stronger to break than we look. I finish the 5 stitches and wrap his palm tightly in white soft gauze then add a layer of water proof tape. He smiles at me pulls me in for another hug, "Thanks sis, I'm going to go finish getting ready", he says. I tell him I'm going to go make breakfast and head downstairs.

I walk into my huge kitchen and walk to our silver fridge and pull out a egg carton. I place it on the beige marble of our island and go back to the fridge to get ham and cheese. I start to make omelettes and place it on two plates. I start to eat mine on a stool in from of our island. I hear patter on the stairs, so I look to my right and see Caleb with his hair spiked at the front. He plops himself beside me and starts eating. We don't talk but it nice, it's not an awkward silence but a nice comforting one.

We both finish our food and place our plates in the dishwasher. I look at the time and read 7:45. Shoot, we have to go. I tell Caleb, and we both grab our bags from the couch and head to the garage. My brother jumps into his black Corvette and I open up the door to my navy blue Ferrari.

My dad was a really well known successful crime and law lawyer and my mom was an orthopaedic surgeon. We live with my my aunt but she is always away on business for months. So that's how we afford all this stuff, most kids like me are very cocky, out going with this money, but me and my brother are nothing like that. Well until what happened this summer.

What happened this summer? Why is she haunted with this mysterious event? Read on to find out. Oh and all rights go to Veronica Roth! Follow me and I'll follow back. Don't forget to click that vote button and comment how you feel about the chapter!!!

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