I Love You

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"Mom why can't I go to the lake house with my friends! We're responsible enough!" I say rage evident in my tone.

"Your mother and I are very busy and don't have enough time for you to go! Your not going and that's final!" my dad says in a stern tone.

Tonight we had to go to another one of their dinner parties for a fundraiser. Caleb some how got out of it and is at his friends house, so I was stuck at this stupid dinner. I don't understand why Caleb can always go to his friend's house and I can't go on a simple trip to the lake house with my friends.

"I hate you guys so much! You care about Caleb more than you do about me," I spit out full of rage. I see my dad look at me through the window at the front of the car, his eyes stare me down with disgust, which makes me want to cower in my seat.

We turn off the highway and head for a bridge that goes across a lake that is surrounded with forests. Our car hits the stable wood and metal as we pass the forest. All of the sudden a deer sprints into our line of direction of our car and stops. The deer is fear stricken and does not dare to move. My dad tries to swerve out of the way and hits the railing of the bridge, breaking it. Our car speeds in the air then drops into the water.

Our car starts to sink in the water and I freeze, I need to get out. I try to open up the door to or car but it doesn't work due to the pressure of the water around it. I bang on the window in hopes that it shatters but not even the slightest crack appears.

My dad tries to do this as well but the same thing happens to him like it did to me, failure. I feel water inching up my ankle very fast and realize that the car is being filled up with water. My father starts to scream as he punches the window and my mom cries into her hands.

I have such a headache so I bring my fingers up to my forehead to reveal a large gash stretching across it. The blood drips down my face and trickles down my nose. I look out the window and see complete darkness.

The water is now up to my chest, so I try to unbuckle my seat belt to move around but it doesn't budge either. My dad grabs a pen and pops the airbags in his and my moms face to open up their line of vision. The cold water rises to my chin and I know soon that I'll have to my last breath.

"Sweetie, we love you very much, we didn't want this to happen", my mom says as her face is pushed to the roof of the car.

"Beatrice, I need you to hold your breath as long as possible. It's going to hurt a lot but please, just keep going", my dad says tears evident in his eyes. The both take my hand and we all take our last breaths.

Our faces submerge under the water making my vision fuzzy and blurry. My mom squeezes my hand in a gesture of reassurance and smiles at me. My dad begins to pound on the window again out of rage and doesn't stop. My dad attempts to yell underwater, and the oxygen leaves his lungs, he begins to thrash in the water for oxygen. My mother try's to calm him down but starts to cry and the same thing happens with her. They both thrash in the water, making me want to yell after them so bad but I know I cant.

I want to. But I cant.

They stop thrashing in the water and their bodies go limp. Their arms start to rise to the top freely and limply. I scream after them and claw at the seatbelt keeping me confined. I stretch my arms into the front of the car and shake my mothers shoulder. Her shoulder moves with ease at the pace in which I'm shaking her.

"Mom", I attempt to scream, but bubbles just fly out of my mouth. I do the same for my dad but its no use.

My lungs burn and long for a breath of oxygen. I start to panic. I need air. I forget everything else. The word just keeps repeating in my mind. Air. Air. Air. I hit my palm against the glass of my window. Nothing. I clench my hand into a fist and bring it back over my head. I swing my fist with such force into the window. Not even the slightest crack.

What's the point of fighting death when it's already come to get you. Why don't we just let ourselves be at peace when our times up. In those seconds I believe my self and stop thrashing. All though my lungs burn, I feel relaxed. I let my legs and arms float in the water and move with the current. I close my eyes and wait for darkness to overcome me.

But it never does.

(Back to reality)

Tears are streaming down my face now and my body starts to shake rapidly. I'm in the car again and the need to get out replays in my head. I scream at the metal wall and start to kick it. I know its no use so I just slide down into a ball on the floor again. I cry into my hands and massage my temples in hopes that the memory will go away. But will it ever?

Tobias stays in the same position he was when I first told him. His jaw hangs open and warm tears fall down his flushed cheeks. What does he think of me now?

I hear movement across the cold metal floor, then seconds later I feel heat across my body. I lift my face from my hands and see that I am in Tobias's arms.

"I'm not going to tell you its alright, because its not. For ten years people have been telling me sorry, and everything is going to be fine, for what happened to me when I was ten. Why would they be sorry? They did nothing wrong, and how could they say that everything was going to be fine when my life was slowly breaking in front of their eyes. Nothings is going to be fine, our worlds will always be full of death and sorrow. We're all right, you know,' he says quietly. 'You and me, Okay?' My chest aches, and I nod. 'Nothing else is all right.' His whisper tickles my cheek. 'But we are."

"May I ask what happened after you closed your eyes? What happened to your parents", he asks with kind eyes.

I take a deep breath and wait for a moment to speak where I wont break into tears. I close my eyes because I feel cold tears slipping from my eyes. No I will be strong. I am brave.

"I woke up in a white hospital room. My lungs had collapsed from lack of oxygen so I was on a breathing tube in order to strengthen my lungs. My brother was holding my hand when I was waking up. He told me what happened. He told me", I stop and let my self release some tears that I've been holding, "that our parents lungs where weaker than mine due to their age. They were dead".

I burrow my face in his shirt. He holds me tighter in a reassuring way trying to soothe me.

"Tobias, my parents are dead. I know I still have my brother, but it's not the same. He's never around anymore. After the crash he couldn't bare the grief, he turned into a new person and is now never home. I basically have no family left. I'm all alone", I burst into tears and clench my fist so tight I break the skin of my palms with my nails.

He runs his fingers through my blonde sweaty hair and presses his lips to mine. We both do not deepen it because it was meant as a gesture that he was here for me. Even though it wasn't long it was beautiful. Our eyes lock and I see his deep blue eyes.

"I'll be your family now," he says.

"I love you," I say.

I said that once, before he moved, but he was asleep then. I don't know why I didn't say it when he could hear it. Maybe I was afraid to trust him with something so personal as my devotion. Or afraid that I did not know what it was to love someone. But now I think the scary thing was not saying it before it was almost too late. Not saying it before it was almost too late for me.

I am his, and he is mine, and it has been that way all along.

He stares at me. I wait with my hands clutching his arms for stability as he considers his response.

He frowns at me. "Say it again."

"Tobias," I say, "I love you."

"I love you, too," he says."

When I was writing this it made me a little bit sad. So you finally know what happened to Tris, its intense I know, I'm sorry. I felt, as though I needed to do this to show how strong Tris's demons were she kept bottled inside. Next chapter will be about Tobias's past and what happened to him to make him move. Don't forget to follow vote, comment, it's very much appreciated. Love
you all,

Oh and all rights go to The wonderful Veronica Roth :)!!!

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