First Day

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Me and Caleb drive to school. I stop at a red light and Caleb pulls up beside me, music blaring and his head nodding back and forth rapidly to the beat of the song.
"Radioactive, radioactive, woahohhh oh oh oh", Caleb screams at the top of his longs. I manage a giggle and honk my horn at him. He pumps his fist in the air and the light turns green, then we speed away to the school.

The whole ride to school, I had Caleb's car up my rear so he could just get on my nerves. That kid one day is going to give me a breakdown, I can just see it now. We finally get to the school and I am breath taken. This school is massive. It's a really tall building that has at least thirty floors. In the middle of the parking lot there is a huge fountain with pretty little delicate flower lining the rim. I park next to a red small car and Caleb parks right beside me. The music is so loud it's unbearable, he turns off his car still humming the beat of the song. I get out of mine and lock the doors then place my keys in the front pocket of my light pink bag.

Caleb is rummaging through his car for something so I take this opportunity to escape my overly protective brother. I pass many groups of people standing outside the school until I get to the doors. I push it open and a gush of air hits my face. To the right of me is a sign that says office so I go in to pick up my stuff.

"Hi there, you must me Beatrice Prior", the red headed lady says from behind a wooden desk,"I'm Mrs. Smith, here's your stuff". She hands me my text books and schedules with a huge smile on her face. "The school is divided into five factions/sections, Erudite, Dauntless Abnegation, Candor and Amity. Each one believes in a diffrent trait. Erudite: Intelligence, Dauntless: Bravery, Amity: Kindness, Candor: Honesty, Abnegation: Selflessness. Your schedule willl tell which floors each faction is on", she tells me.

"Thanks, I'll see you around I guess", then I turn around and leave.

My locker is on the 2nd floor so I decide to just take the stairs. I place my schedule in my bag and start to walk up the cold metal stairs. I get to the second floor and look for locker six. I take a few strides and a light shiny blue locker comes into view with a big number six on the front. I take out my schedule and learn that I have science first. My schedule consists of:

Your Classes:

Erudite Science (Ms. Matthews)

Erudite Math (Mrs. George)

Dauntless Phys. Ed (Coach Amar)


Visual Arts/ Drama (Ms. Wu)

Candor English/ Crime and Law History (Mr. Terrance )

Erudite: International Geography (Mr. Evans)

(Abnegaton: 50 hrs of community service must be done in order to graduate.)

Any sport teams will be considered the Dauntless faction, and any school clubs will be a mix of factions.


Lockers 1-2

Abnegation: 3-5 ( Community sevice clubs)

Amity : 6-10 (Singing Classes, Orchestra room, stage, art room, drama classes, photography room.)

Dauntless: 10-20 (Sport fields: indor Soccer feild, Hocky areana, basket ball court, swimming pool, obstacle coarse/ rock climing, fighting arena, rest of fields outside.

Erudite: 20-25 ( Science labs, experiment rooms, math study rooms, serum workshop, invetion labratoty).

Candor: 26-30 (Class rooms, court rooms)

Staff Lounge: 31

Storage: 32

(Sorry that was kind of long i just didnt know how to express the layout of the school because I thought that if I wrote it then it would be super long.)

So based on my schedule I have Science first. Science is on the twenty second floor. I go to the silver elevator and walk in. I press twenty two and wait. I start to hyperventilate because I'm afraid of confinement. I feel the metal walls push their way against my warm body, slowly squeezing the air out of my small frame. I start to take slow shallow breaths as the elevator makes a dinging sound and opens up. I quickly run out and find the science room. I discover that it is at the end of the hallway, so I slowly turn the cold metal doorknob of the last door.

Everyone turns to me as well as the teacher. "Good morning Beatrice Prior. Class this is our new student, please make her feel welcome and show her around if you can. Anything you would like to share?" she says as she pushes up her glasses.

"Well my name is Beatrice, but I prefer Tris. I transferred from Aptiva High in Florida. And I play provincial soccer", and with that I take a seat in the third row beside a pretty girl with dark skin. She reaches out her hand with a huge smile on her face, "Hi, I'm Christina and this is Uriah", she says pointing to a cute tanned boy with spiked hair. He salutes his hand and gives me a goofy smile. "Well I'm Tris ", I giggle, "But I'm sure you knew". They laugh with me and create conversation.

At the end of class Christina asks to see my schedule. We have all the same subjects except English. We talk all the way to math about our selves to get to know each other better. When we get to Math she tells me about her self and the friends and people she hangs out with. " So we have Gym next, so you'll meet some of my friends". The rest of math speeds away and the next thing I know is that we are in the girls change room.

Christina and I quickly change and head to the soccer field outside. When we get there she introduces me to all her friends. "This is Marlene, Shauna, Lynn, Will, Four, Uriah and his fraternal twin Zeke". I scan all of them and introduce myself, "I'm Tris, and I have a twin brother too". We get into a deep conversation before the coach gets to the field. As we are talking the boy introduced as four speaks up. Then it hits me those blue eyes that I know too well.


Thanks for reading! Stay tuned because the next chapter will be up by tonight. Dont forget to comment, vote and follow. I love you all,

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