6. You're Their Hope

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The Descent beckons,

Just as the ascent had beckoned.

Traces of despair are left,

As silent signals flash across the earth.

Loud screaming cries,

Echo throughout the streets.

Cringing away from the sound,

Pretending nothing happened.

The people who despise,

Look around in terror.

The one's who've lied,

Are tainted with darkness.

Lights flash across the sky,

As radiation fills the air.

Destroying this earth,

That was created beneath our feet.

Who is to blame,

For all these casues of death?

The living? The Dead?

The buried? The unburied?

Ignore the crying rising up,

Or the souls escaping up to heaven.

Just know the glass still shines,

Bright with the lives that are gone.

Your life is everything,

Especially a beacon of hope.

You're here to help,

On this earth for some kind of purpose.

Just know,

Beyond the horizon,

A new ascent bekons.

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