{ Epilogue & Author's Note }

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"Pluto! Get up, it's time to get ready for school!" I hear my mother say, for the, surprisingly, first time this morning. I jump out of bed, excited for today. Then I remembered, school. Ughhhhh. I let loose my messy bun, which included of a small ball on top of my head, with random light and dark blue locks coming out of it. I hear my twin sister, Neptune, knock on my opened door. She was leaning on the door frame, smiling at me kindly, like every morning. She was already dressed, in a reddish-brown sweater, some blue skinny jeans, a mustard scarf, a black beanie, and some Uggs. I smiled at her. She was one of my only friends at school, and also my only sister who accepted me. Her purple and blue coloured locks fell gently around her shoulders, embracing her green eyes and elegant make-up. ''You ready,'' She said, sitting down on my bed, while picking out some clothes for me.  She finally settled on a white frilly crop-top, and some high waisted black skinny jeans. I put them on, and my slender, feminine-like figure fit them perfectly. I slid on some navy blue Converse, while Neptune put my hair in twin braids, falling around my face gently. She put a light gray beanie on my head gently, and stood back to admire me. I smiled at her, fake posing then laughed, while we fall onto the bed in unison. But, now for my least favorite part, and we both knew it. She got out her assortment of brushes and make-up, and spread them across the bed between me and her. We were both sitting cross-legged on my bed, and I leaned in towards her. She gently set my face with liquid fountain, and highlighter, doing it perfectly. She made my nose, jawline, and cheekbones more feminine, and smiled at me the whole time. She put on a small wing on my eye-line, then put on some blacky-blue eye-shadow. She put on some very light blush, then smiled at me, admiring her work of art. She giggled a bit, and I looked at her, confused. She explained kindly.

"No matter how much blush and foundation I put on you, I will never be able to conceal your freckles, they're just to violent.'' She said, showing my face in the mirror. Just like everyday, I gasp at her in surprise, of her amazingly talented make-up skills. I looked a bit more manly than a normal girl should, but it would overall conceal my secret. Just like hoped for. I hugged her, thanking her for her help on my restless journey to finally get out of this school, and move onto college where I can be free, and let loose the man in chains inside me. 

''I love you so much Neptune." I said, not letting go of the hug. She smiled, and whispered back, 

"I'd love me too." We both laughed, as we finally let go, and I grabbed my book bag and phone. I quickly slipped on a black Adidas jacket, and slipped my phone in the pocket. I had a few notifications, and heard my phone buzz from a text message. It was my only other friend at school, Lorenza. Lorenza and Neptune were my main bitches. Not in a bad way, but as I would do anything they wanted me to do. And I mean anything. They were the only two people at school besides my family who knew my secret, and accepted me for it. I pulled out my phone, and slid on the message notification, and typed in my pass-code. 914783. I looked at her text, and started to text back in the group chat between me, her, and Neptune.

Lorenza : Hey bitches! I'm heading off to school right now, how about you 😍

Neptune : Hey girl! Me and Plutes are heading off right now, see ya there! 😏

I was texting something, until I finished and clicked the send button.

Me : Bye bishes, see ya soon! 😘

I slipped my phone back into my pocket, not getting another ring. Neptune sneaked up next to me, as we started to walk out of the door. Out sister, Skye, walked up behind us, pushing us forward. We both nearly fell face forward into the door, laughing. Skye, only being 6 years old, smiled and apologized while running away aimlessly. I heard my mother yell goodbye to Neptune from the kitchen, not even bothering to say bye to me. Neptune glanced at me apologetically, and I shrugged. Time for the scariest part of the day.

Drama Central.


Hey guys, what's up! Its Willow here, and I've finally made a new story! I know I don't update often, but this book feels good, and seems very entertaining to write! I will be putting a lot of effort into this, so I may not update as often. Also, I'm taking requests for characters again, like in every story! First off, we need 3 more girls celestial names! (Ex : Moon, Starry, etc) So be Pluto's sisters! We also need their ages, (Below 19) and their sexualities! In each chapter, I will include a picture of a character above. Today is Pluto. Now, I have a picture in, but it may not work. That is what his face and hair look, but his hair and skin tone is a bit lighter, and he has a ton of freckles spreading across his cheeks and nose bridge. He also wears a lot of lighter clothes on school days, but wears whatever he wants on Weekends. He goes to an all-grades, all-girls school. So kindergarten (Pre-K) to Senior year of high-school. I also need some schoolmates, and one more girl to be his potential friend. Use the forum above, (Full Name, Nickname, Sexuality, and If you want to be friends with a character, and who, and their age (Below 19)) Now, only one person gets the one friend, and if you're one of my real-life friends, expect not to be picked because I pick you for too many things. Now, I'm leaving now because this is getting long, and I have a splinter in my hand that is dragging across the keyboard, hurting like hell. Well, goodbye!

          ~ Willow Neptune <3


Words : 1058

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