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Third Person POV

Jaejin ran as fast as her feet could carry her. The 19 year old could see the train pulling away from the station but she was determined to catch it.

"Wa- wait!" She called out from half a block away. Her legs felt like giving out from under her and her knees about to buckle but she made it.

From the corner of her eye, she caught the train stopping for any last minute passengers and the doors swing open. Jaejin tidied her backpack and blazer before stumbling up the train steps.

"Thank you," she breathed breathlessly before turning to find a seat. The train was nearly full to capacity and she was met with death glares and people mumbling something about being late.

Finally, Jaejin was met with a seat in the back of the train cart between an old grandpa and a man in all black with a coat and hat covering his place. She opted to stand. After all the grandpa could be a pervert and the man could sell drugs.

Her suspicions led to her grabbing onto the handrail and muttering profanities at life. Slowly but surely, the swaying of the train knocked her unconscious and she was soon fast asleep.

Author's Note

This is a new story made to interest those who are waiting for chapters on my other books! I hope you enjoy! New chapters when I have time to update : at least once or twice a week though!

Ruler • Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now