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"Ex-excuse me m'am," Jaejin heard a voice stir her up from her sleep. Her eyes were blurry and she realized that in her rush she forgot to slip her contacts in.

The groggy 19 year old looked up to address the person who thought she was old enough to be referred to as "m'am".

"Yah...who do you think you areee," she dragged on, not being in her right mind.

The man hid his facial features with a mask; all but his eyes that was.

"I didn't know people got drunk this early in the day," the man mumbled and shook his head.

The comment got Jaejin up enough to take a good look at the man before scolding him.

"Who do you think you are calling drunk? Are you kidding me? I'm still attending school hmph," Jaejin screamed before feeling a hand being place over her lips. She shook it off before giving him a look of disgust.

"I don't know where that hand has been," she mumbled. Sending the Korean into a state of confusion then shock.

"N-no, I mean I don't - I mean wait- I just didn't know how to shut you up," he said rubbing up the back of his neck before feeling his cheeks flush.

Jaejin held back a laugh before turning back around and giving the man a death glare.

"Are you going to hurt me or umm," she inquired awkwardly before looking at his amused look.

"No, I was just wondering what stop you were going to get off at," the man responded pointing to the illuminated map above their heads.

It took her a minute to soak in what was implying before he explained.

"This is the last stop and you've been sleep standing for about an hour and a half maybe two," he said pointing to the empty seats around the two.

"You care because?" Jaejin wondered after looking through her bag for the time shown on her phone.

"I don't, the bus driver told me to wake you since I'm the only one left," he turned to grab his stuff before continuing, "Now that I'm done, goodbye."

With that, the tall Korean walked off at his stop.

Author's Note

Excuse the spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors :) it's not my best subject. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far ❤️

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