•twenty one•

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are you okay?

My Darling: um

I saw what Matt put on your picture

My Darling: oh. That.

I'm sorry to bring it up
I just wanted to make sure you were okay

My Darling: I'm fine


My Darling: no, I'm lying to you
Yes, I'm fine

I'm sorry

My Darling: oh bby no 😭
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come across like that
I'm just angry at Matt

It's okay, no worries

My Darling: no, it's not okay
I shouldn't be taking this out on you
The only person who bothered to ask me if I was okay btw

Oh my

My Darling: I mean, Livy is probably blowing up Matt's phone as we speak, but whatever 😂

What a jerk

My Darling: ugh I know

I hope he falls over

My Darling: me too


My Darling: yee?

You deserve better
Like a lot better

My Darling: thank you
Love you, Dear

Love you too, Darling

A/N- short af, but you know. Hope you enjoyed!! ~Hayden

Just Jared ⌲ PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now