#38 Hotel

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Harry: When you come on your tour with the boys, no one wants to share a room with you guys. You both stay up most of the night talking, and harry isn't particularly shy when it comes to having sex with others in the room. However, tonight Zayn was forced to share with Harry and you. They needed to use one of the rooms as a makeshift studio. As soon as Harry thought he was sleeping he went crazy. His lips and hands all over you. When the first moan slipped from your lips, Zayn got up. He grabbed his pillow and headed to the door. "I'm goin to sleep with Loueh" he informed in a tired voice before leaving the room, and letting the door slam behind himself.

Liam: "Let's go for a swim." Liam said from one end of the massive bed. This weekend they were to share a very luxurious suit. Pool included. "I didn't bring a suit." I moped sitting in between his legs. "Who said anything about suits.." He teased raising an eyebrow at me. "Liam, we share this suit with 5 other guys Aren't you tired you just got off stage." He hopped off the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. "Not a chance babe, come on the lads went out they aren't coming back for a while." He informed standing above me pulling his belt out of he loops of his jeans, like he has many times before. If he wants to swim I guess I'm going to have to show him a good time. I thought of every thing I could do to him in that little pool and suddenly that was all I wanted to do. "Let's do this," I challenged rolling over onto my stomach. He smiled his cheeky smile and smacked my bum lightly before crossing the room toward the pool. He dropped his pants, and I could feel the twinge of arousal in the pit of my stomach as my boyfriend walked completely naked toward the pool.

Niall: A loud know on the door, startled you. "Niall?" you yelled toward the bathroom door. "Huh?" His blonde head popped around the corner, a toothbrush hanging out of the side of his mouth. "Who's at the door?" You asked closing your textbook. His eyes got big, and he disappeared back into the bathroom. "My food's here." His muffled voice came from the door. You can hear him talking to someone then the door shut. Niall walked past you to the table, with a pizza box. A very satisfied look on his face. "How are you hungry, we just ate?" You giggled  walking to the balcony and opening the doors.  The screams of girls below could be heard clearly. There were thousands all screaming up at the boys rooms. Niall walked out onto the balcony with a slice of pizza in his hand. He waved with one hand and ate with the other. You couldn't help but let your eyes roam his body. His arms, his back, the way his pants hung off of him. "Ahh!" Niall yelled looking over the rail. A loud roar erupted from the crowd of girls, when you stepped onto the balcony, and held his hand squeezing it tightly. "What?" You peered over the rail. "I dropped me pizza," He pouted squeezing your hand back. Sure enough there was a slice of half eaten pizza spattered on the sidewalk below.

Louis: It's nearly 3 am and the phone wont stop ringing. Louis lay next to you in the big dark room. Face down in the pillows, his tattooed arm tight around your waist. Every time the phone rings his body tenses a bit. You can hear him groan into the pillow. This has happened almost every night for the past week. No matter how many times he tells the hotel manager, he cant stop the influx of calls. When the phone rang again he got up, the skin on your back where his arm once was is now cold. "Hello," He picked up? "Yeah this is Louis. Ya. Well thank you. Thanks, but do you mind not calling anymore. Me and Y/N are tryin to sleep." You sat up in bed looking over at Louis with tired eyes. He wore nothing but a pair of VERY low hanging sweats. His bare back flexed, when he scratched his messy brown hair. "We have 2 hours until we need to be up. Every minute counts...Thanks." He said before hanging up. When the phone rang again, he pulled the cord from the wall and put the entire phone in the top drawer of the dresser. He turned and met your tired eyes. "I'm sorry baby. Sometimes they don't know how to stop." He crawled into bed next to you, his warm arms around you again. "It's ok... I love you Lou." You mumbled sleepily into his chest. "I love you too Y/N." He chuckled as you dozed off together.

Zayn: I was yanked out of the middle of a great dream, by the loud voices of Zayn, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Harry. It's the same as any other morning. All the boys come to our room to eat, and joke around before they get their hair done. I sat up in bed and stretched, rubbing my eyes in hopes they would adjust to the light. "Well good morning sleepin beauty." Niall mused from the table a huge bowl of cereal in his hands. "You snore" Harry teased, sitting on top of the blankets next to me. I'm still not full aware of what's going on. Louis and Liam were on the other bed in the room, flipping through channels on the TV. Zayn walked out of the bathroom, already wearing his black skinny jeans. A white shirt over his shoulder. "Good morning beautiful." He whispered leaning in a giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked. "You looked tired." He shrugged. I knock on the door, drew the attention of every one in the room. Lux, scrambled into the room, followed by Lou. "Y/N" the little girl shrieked, climbing onto the bed with the help of Louis. We both sat and watched as each boy got their hair done in front of the large wall mirror.

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