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Hell on Earth


    Have you ever thought about where you go when you die? One of the only questions in this world that has still gone unanswered. I'm sure you've thought about it at one time or another. I'd be lying if I said I haven't.

    Do we stick around to haunt our ex-boyfriends? Maybe we get to be reincarnated into flamingos or something? Or do just we simply just disappear into a dark abyss? Okay, that one's morbid. Let's forget that and hope it isn't true.

    But let's stick to the basics here; Heaven or Hell? It always seemed weird to me how that decision was made. Like, is there a poll that some angels take to decide if you're a good person? Or is it based on a three strikes and you're out, kind of thing? Honestly, I'd really like to know. I haven't killed anyone or anything. But I've never donated the dollar to the children's hospitals when they give me the option to at the grocery store. I mean, those have to add up, right?

     Maybe I'll be smart in the hour of my departure and be one of those lucky few who end up in some forgotten, beautiful Purgatory. Not able to partake in the cruelness of up or down.

      But who cares? I have the rest of my life to right all of my wrongs, and start donating that dollar. I didn't have anything to worry about right now.

Whenever I thought I didn't have to worry about something, the universe did this thing where it decides to laugh in my face and show me just how wrong I truly am.

And this was no exception.

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