Chapter Four

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Hell on Earth
(Mila's POV)

I walked down the red carpeted hall once more, but with less ease than before. My mind was doing all kinds of tricks to try to understand all of the information I just heard. Every fiber of my being wanted to continue to dismiss this craziness as if it was simply a figment of my imagination. But deep down, this felt too real.

Holy shit.

How is this real?

I'm fucking dead.

I died.

That felt weird to say in a way that wasn't a reply to a funny text. I was actually dead. In fact, I literally just watched myself die while eating a potato chip, on a big fancy TV. This was all too ridiculous to handle, yet somehow seemed like a normal thing that would happen to me, of all people.

On top of all of that, I ended up in Hell and now I have to be shown how it works by some gorgeous-- well, I'm not exactly sure what she is. I'm not even sure if she's even a woman, now. Am I still a woman? Who knows? Because now I'm in Hell, where their favorite activities are being vague and foreboding.

"Farrah will tell you everything you need to know."

            Okay. Let's find Farrah then. I've never been a fan of a mean Brit, but I guess this will have to do, since it seems I don't really have a choice of who shows me around Hell. (But if anyone's listening, next time I'd prefer a hot guy who would eventually fall in love with me.)

             Back in the lobby area is where I found Farrah waiting for me, along with a couple of other red-wearing beings. The vibe was strange, stranger than it was before. I could cut the tension with a knife.

               "Um, okay. Weird energy here. Everything okay?" I asked to the small group in front of me, although it was mostly directed at Farrah since she was the only one I knew. Among her and two blonde Barbies, was ridiculously striking specimen of a man. I recognized him from the conference room. He mumbled some sort of thing about me thinking this wasn't real.

His chiseled face and crystal blue eyes, sort of took my breath away. Our eyes met for a quick moment. This guy looked like he belonged in Calvin Klein ad. Maybe Hell isn't so bad?

Did I actually just think that?

"Time for me to show you around. Try not to get eaten by a Hellhound."

"Go easy on her." The man muttered to Farrah.

"Excuse me, did you say Hellhound?" I spoke up. I literally had no idea what that was, but it sounded like something off of the show Supernatural.

"You have so much to learn." She rolled her eyes and started power walking away.

"That means follow her." The gorgeous hunk of man spoke again.

"Oh! Right. Of course it does." I ran off to follow the clacking of Farrah's heels, leaving him chucking there to himself and the two plastics.

Hell on Earth Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant