Chapter One

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Hell on Earth
(Mila's POV)

       Sleep are little slices of death.

        My mother told me that once. But then again, I'm pretty sure she stole that from a Dracula movie or Edgar Allan Poe, because there's no way she could have come up with something so deep and morbid on her own. 

      Distant arguing from my TV started to fill my ears. Disturbing me from my angelic, deep sleep. Why must I always go to bed watching The Jerry Springer Show? Couldn't I watch a Celine Dion performance or something soothing?

      I had yet to open my eyes, hoping if I kept them closed, maybe sleep would pull me into its loving arms once again. As I was waking my mind up more, the arguing became louder and more apparent, until it eventually was crystal clear. Almost as if I was in inside my television.

"Finally, she's waking up. If I had to hear any more of her snoring, I was going to kill myself...again."

"I know. If I didn't know it was coming from her, I would have thought someone was watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

         Damn, this episode sounds weirdly good. My eyes finally fluttered open, expecting to see my phone and the usual finished bag of chips sitting on my night stand that I ate the night before, while binging Gilmore Girls. But instead of that beautiful scenery, my eyes were shocked wide open with the sight of another beautiful thing.

A face.

           Yes, a face. Two dark hazel eyes staring back at me with the uttermost calmness.

         "What the fuck!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. I was instantly awake.

           That's when I realized I wasn't home at all. It seemed I had been sleeping on top of a table in the middle of a conference room. As I soaked everything in, my eyes met with dozens of other sets of gleaming eyes seated around the table.

           "Where the hell am I?" I demanded, causing a few of the people to chuckle.

     The room was made completely of glass. To one side was an enormous window, showcasing skyscrapers surrounding us. To the other was a glass wall separating this board room from what seemed like an entirely glass office filled with people wearing red, working.

            Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, everyone seated at the long table was dressed in the deep scarlet color, as well. This was my worst nightmare. Being stared at and judged by people who are better looking, and better dressed than me.

            "Hello! Do any of you beautiful people speak? Where the fuck am I?" I yelled once more.

             All of them seemed to just look around at each other's stupidly perfect faces, not knowing what to say. Until one of the women stood up. Her face was the particularly pretty one that I woke up to, and happened to scare the shit out of me.

            Her painted red lips pursed as she replied, "You're in Hell."

              "Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" I asked, still awkwardly sitting on the conference room table as all the models sat around me. I used my blanket as best as I could to cover my sweat pants and old t-shirt.

               "Hell," she repeated, "You're in Hell."

                "Oh, thank God, I must still be dreaming," I chuckled and got up off the table. A new wave of confidence washed over me, knowing this was my dream, and I could do whatever the hell I want.

                 "This is not a dream. And we don't tend to 'thank God' here." The only person here who has bothered to speak, replied to me again. Her porcelain face was expressionless. No sign of life besides her dark red lipstick.

                "Whatever you say. Okay, well I don't really know how lucid dreaming works, but like now that I know that I'm dreaming, do I just hop from place to place with my mind? Or is there a code word to teleport?"

                "Oh boy, another one who thinks it's a dream." Someone else muttered from the table as I walked away towards the door. It was a ridiculously good looking guy with striking eyes and a devilish grin.

               "I don't think you're understanding me, Mila. You died and now you're in Hell." The woman followed me as her British accent filled my ears. Jesus, even when she was chasing after me she looked amazing. She could have been in Baywatch, the way her raven hair swayed perfectly as she moved. And an accent? Of course she has one. All hot people have hot accents that I don't have.

               "Fine, humor me for a second. If I actually died somehow, why would I end up in Hell? Why not Heaven? I'm a decently good person."

               "I'm not sure. I haven't had access to your file yet. But you had to have done something. They make no mistakes."

          "Sure. Well, in this case whoever 'they' are, have indeed made a mistake. Because this dream was supposed to consist of me, fifteen pounds lighter, naked in a pool of Nutella," I stated as I looked at the glorious human beings in front of me. "Alright guys, this was weird. I'm gonna go. But um, congratulations on being gorgeous mannequins, I guess?"

           I've had enough of this bullshit. While I'm still dreaming, I have to go find a naked Ryan Gosling and make up for the fact that I don't have a boyfriend.

            Well, that was strange while it lasted. No more NyQuil and hot queso cheese before bed, I guess.

            I confidently glided with a catwalk-style stride through the sea of working people in red -- "Ow!"

              I looked up to see what I had collided with, and saw what may have been the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. A being that put the beauty of everyone else here to shame. A literal goddess staring back at me with menacing green eyes.

            We had now caught the attention of the entire office. Every set of us eyes were on us staring with what looked like shock, admiration, lust, and fear all at once. Which is kind of exactly what I felt for the woman, for some reason.

          Is this what a sexual awakening feels like? Does this mean I'm a lesbian now? This dream is getting stranger and stranger.

A small smirk danced across her full lips.
         "What do we have here?"


Author's Note:
Hey everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm sorry if it sucked. Please vote & comment. Would love to hear some feedback. Thank you for reading.

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