Controlled Life- Anonymous

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1.)           Having your life pretty much controlled isn’t fun… What goes through your mind on a normal day?

On a normal day, I just want to get the things I need to get done done, and do them well. I may not get to do things like I'd want to, but doing my best in all that I do makes it feel worth is. If I get though the day, I get one day closer to when I can really have my life the way I need it to be.

2.)           What do you do to stay strong when times are tough?

I pray, think of the what I love, be it family, friends, or a song that speaks to what I am feeling.

3.)           When did all of this begin?

Within the last few years, I tried to be how other people wanted me to be, not how I wanted to be. So when I act like me now, everyone thinks it's fake.

4.)           What advice do you have for people who might feel like their life is controlled by someone other than themselves?

You have to listen to your parents to a point, but they can't tell you want you feel or what you think. Sometimes you just have to keep your mouth shut and wait it out.

5.)           Do you have a quote that you think of when times are hard? A quote that helps you focus and stay strong?

I can't remember the exact quote, but it is from Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides, "Think of the people who hurt you as sandpaper, they may rough you up a bit, but in the end, you're polished, and they're useless." 

6.) You said in number 2 that you listen to a song that speaks to you... is there a specific song you listen to? Or one that means the most to you?

It's a few,

 Sweet Talk, by The Killers, and Two by Black Veil Brides, Unbroken and Lost It All.

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