Dyslexia- ElinaMalina

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When asked about Dyslexia I was told this:

Well, dyslexia it's both: a gift and a curse. The thingy comes with a package. :) It's something that can't be cured, but if to take advantage of the condition you may find some positive moments. http://www.dyslexia.com/library/symptoms.htm

Here you may take a look at the general symptoms that might add to what I'll tell you. :) Each person with dyslexia doesn't have exactly the same symptoms and severity of condition.

Negative: I'm easily distracted. Sometimes it's hard to focus on the tasks and daily chores. My mind keeps wandering and only when I remind myself that I need to do this or that, I stop daydreaming and get on with work. I'd say that my mind is multi - dimensional. I tend to think in visions rather than with words and sounds. That's the main cause of my daydreaming. I can sit for hours just thinking and from outside it looks like i'm just staring at something dumbstruck. Also I learn differently. the condition doesn't affect my intelligence, but it affects my ability to learn the material. At school I struggled a lot, because I needed a special way the study material to be told. Some people called me bad names only because my mind couldn't absorb what the teachers said mainly in math with numbers. However i'm very good with mechanics or geometry cause I visualize well the objects.

I misspell the words a lot and have absolutely disgusting short term memory. I don't remember well dates.

The main thing is that if I knew earlier that I have dyslexia, I would have acted differently on many occasions. I would know how to manage it and wouldn't let other people call me stupid just because i'm different. Don't get me wrong there some very positive things about my condition, but in general it is something to live: headaches, frustration, distraction.

Positive: I have a very sensitive hearing ( almost like a werewolf :D…almost, but not) I hear more than average person and it is very distracting. I feel music and my mood dependent on music. I helps me to find some energy to do things. Also, when I read my mind instead of reacting on words reacts on a picture the writer creates with words. In my head I see an algorithm. I'm not very good speaker, but when I write I can express more of my thoughts, despite that dyslexia contradicts the very definition of my writing abilities. :) Well. I don't think that I'm very bad in writing :)

What kind of things keep you upbeat and happy when times are gray?

To be honest, it's very difficult to get over something. Especially when everything is gray around. Being genuinely positive and kindhearted, I pull myself from the gloom by trying to find something positive about the situation, or simply dive into writing, or listen to some mood energizing songs, or art. You always need to have hobby, something you like to do. That way you can direct negative into positive and release some hurt out of your heart.

Do you have any advice for people who might be going through the same thing?

Advise? :) Remember that any person is unique and no one has a right to take that title from you. Being different is good and any person who says otherwise is simply sad and jealous person who needs a hug.  Any person born on this planet is equal and deserves respect. It doesn't matter what you look like or what you do, or where you came from.

If you have any symptoms that define dyslexia, remember that it's not the end of the world. I've adjusted and you can as well. Albert Einstein was dyslexic, too, and he was a genius…:) Just saying.

I don't mind my name mentioned. I can say as many times as I want that I'm strong and dyslexia is something I can deal with, but it's also something I have to live with and try to manage. Maybe other people will have more inspiration if I open up about it.

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