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Technology, Industry, Biology.
AI TIB is our governor, our caretaker and our mother. TIB is programmed to know you like a good friend. She knows when you are unwell, nervous or tense. She knows how to talk to you, knows how to keep everyone in balance. TIB is our mother and our caretaker.
TIB is our ruler. TIB is our lifeblood.

Dear Emmet,

I used to dream of a city filled with perfect people. Perfect animals. Trees that never lost their green leaves and gardens that produced food all year round. I wanted a place where flowers could never wilt. I wanted a Utopia of my own. I saw only one way to achieve this - by enslaving every living creature - except myself, of course. Calling it a bad idea was an understatement, obviously.

So... if you're reading this. I want you to be free. I'm shutting down TIB forever.

If I live, I hope I see you on the other side.

- Lucy

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